Chapter XIII

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I dreamt about Gally. He managed to convince everyone that I was working for the Creators, and banished me and Newt, accusing him of treason. The doors shut and we were running. Maybe we could survive the night. As soon as we made the first turn, the Death Creatures' noises were deafening. There was no way we could fight them. We were dead.

I was sobbing uncontrollably. Newt was going to die and it was my fault. Two Death Creatures came towards us, and we didn't run. One of them grabbed Newt with its metallic arms. I started to scream.

I woke up. Newt was calling my name, shaking me.

'It's just a dream, Maria!' he kept saying loudly.

'Newt I'm so sorry, it was my fault.' I guess I hadn't quite realized the dream was over.

I couldn't stop shivering, my face covered in tears and sweat. I sat on the side of the bed, and Newt put his arms around me.

'Bad dream I guess?'

'We we're both banished because Gally convinced everyone we were evil and you died and-'
I started to cry again. Newt pulled me in tighter.

'Does this happen to you every night?'

'Normally not this bad. It felt so real.'

'It won't happen.'

'How can you be so sure?' How could he? I certainly wasn't.

'No one ever listens to Gally, except his dumb followers.'

The tears kept streaming down my face. Newt wiped them away and kissed my forehead.

'I never want to sleep again,' I said.

'You don't need to. I'll stay with you until the morning.'


I leaned on his shoulder and he put his arms around me. It was so peaceful and quiet, so safe. I fell asleep.

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