author's note

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Hey everyone! Just wanted to pop in and say hi quickly.

Currently, it is November 2nd 2019 and I have been writing this story non stop for the past 24 hours. The three chapters I uploaded so far were all written yesterday and I have two more drafts ready to go. 

Currently, there are also 0 views on this story that aren't from me scrolling through to make sure everything is formatted nicely. Hopefully that changes soon. 

I am really interested in the story line that I have created for this book and so I hope you guys love it as much as I do. I haven't decided if I will release chapters on a time schedule or if I'll do it based on views and votes, or even if I'll just upload them whenever I have them done. 

School has been incredibly busy so I actually have been putting off this story for a month or so, but I finally decided that if I grind out a few chapters every weekend, I should be fine. 

Shameless comes back in 8 days and I am honestly only here for Gallavich haha. Well, I miss Carl too and am kinda interested in Lip's whole storyline but it'll be interesting without Fiona. Fingers crossed for all good things. 

Thank you for reading this and my story and please share it with whoever you want. Clearly, not everyone's stories are great or get super recognized, but as long as a few people enjoy it, I'll be happy to continue it. Thanks again <3

- Victoria. 

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