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Yesterday was an absolute shit show. What started off as this great day to hang out quickly flipped to one of the most stress causing situations ever, and at a fucking Burger King of all places. Don't get me wrong, the sex when Ian got home relieved most of that stress, but of course reality smacked back into place quickly after. I didn't know what else to do. Leaving Ian for a while, getting back into routine at home to lessen the blow of Terry if anything, was the only option that seemed like it'd be effective. Seeing his face when I told him though and hearing him upset did not help at all to make my decision feel right. If anything, all it made me wanna do was stay in Ian's room for the rest of our lives, hide away from all the fucking torture that my dad would bring to us. It fucking sucked; being raised by such a cunt, falling in love with a dude, having to leave that dude to handle that cunt.

I don't regret my decision though. At least not yet. The absolute worst that could happen by me going home is my dad killing me. It's extreme but at least then he'd be back in prison and Ian would be safe. That's all that mattered in the long run.

Fuck, when'd I get so goddamn soft?

Almost as if on cue to answer the thought, Ian rolled over in bed, rubbing his eyes as he watched me take my clothes out of the dresser and stuff them into my duffle bag.

"Morning," I started, keeping my attention on the packing I was doing.

"You really gotta clean out already?" Ian grumbled back.

"Gotta happen at some point. Figured I'd get a head start."

"You in a rush or something?" He questioned with a sigh, rolling onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey come on," I responded, putting down the bag and looking over to Ian. "Don't fucking pull that shit man."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Cut the crap bitch." I moved over to the bed and took a seat on it, looking down at Ian who was still laying on his back and being dramatic. "You and I both know that I gotta go in order for this to work out," I added, motioning between us at this.

Rolling his eyes and letting out a sigh, Ian sat up and looked at me. "Yeah, I know. Still sucks."

"I told you, I'm coming back. It won't even feel like I'm gone," I responded, trying to keep the conversation light. Standing up to continue my packing, I leaned over and placed a quick kiss on the ginger's head. "Now, you can lay there and sulk all day or you can actually get your lazy ass up to help me so we can hang around for a bit before I gotta leave."

I turned back to the dresser and took the last few things from the drawer I had open out, shoving them in the bag and opening the next drawer. Next to me, Ian finally got out of bed.

"Think I'll go with the second one," he answered, grabbing my ass and placing a soft but quick kiss on my cheek before heading into the hall.

"Good choice," I added, smirking and earning the finger from Ian before he shut the bathroom door behind him.


Once Ian returned from the bathroom, I had pretty much emptied the dresser of my shit and was now going through a random pile of clothes on the floor to see if anything was mine.

"So much for needing my help," Ian scoffed, taking a seat on the edge of his bed, watching me rummage through the pile.

"Well if your slow ass didn't take seven years to brush your teeth, maybe there'd still be some shit for you to help me with."

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