Mickey was pretty much staying with us for the last couple days since Christmas. With the amount of people constantly in and out of his house, we figured it was probably safest for the both of us if we were alone together at my place where no one could see us. It sounds fucked up, to be hiding whatever we had, but I knew it was something Mickey needed to feel safe and that meant more to me right now.
It was Friday afternoon and Mickey and I were on the couch watching some random movie that seemed like the best alternative to whatever else was on TV. We were talking about absolutely random things while we drank beer, occasionally shutting up to catch an interesting part of the movie that we were half following still.
"That's like a whole new level of crazy Mick."
"What the fuck is so crazy about it?"
"Usually when people say 'Like taking candy from a kid' they don't actually fucking mean it."
"They're fuckin right though man. Besides, it was just a Snickers bar. They'll grow a pair and get over it."
I just laughed. There was nothing else to do. Somehow the most far off logic made sense when Mickey was involved. It just worked for him.
"What about you?" The blue eyed man asked, taking a sip from his beer.
"What about me?"
"Ya know, stealing something. What's the stupidest thing you've swiped?"
"Honestly, I don't know. Probably beer or some shit like that. No crazy story though. I did sneak into a Sox game once and this old dude started talking to me like I was his daughter. It was weird but he kept buying me snacks and shit so I went along with it for a few innings."
"Makes sense."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at the boy across from me who had a devilish smirk on his face.
"You as a daughter, it just doesn't surprise me one bit."
I punched his arm as he laughed and raised his hands in surrender.
"Fuck you man. You're just as gay as I am idiot. At least I'm not taking it up the ass."
"Hey, liking what I like don't make me a bitch."
We both sat there smiling at the TV for a minute, sipping our beers every few seconds. It was nice, being friends and hanging out like this. When Mickey wasn't telling me to leave or shoving me off of him, the down time between being all over each other wasn't too bad.
"Hey Mick?" I finally spoke up, not taking my eyes off the TV until I knew I had Mickey's focus.
"Thank you."
He turned his head toward me, causing me to break contact with the screen and look at him back.
"Fuck did I do?"
"Ya know," I shrugged, "for not leaving or anything."
"Why would I leave?"
"I don't know. I mean, I did. And when I came back, you were still there. You didn't hate me or get mad at me or anything."
"Ian you left cause you needed to. I don't blame you for needing a break from this shit hole. What happened wasn't your fucking fault, ok? And it was my bad, i mean it still is, for not being there before. That's on me."
It was good to hear that he understood but I couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened.
"You don't owe me anything Mickey."

Alone Together (Gallavich)
Fanfiction"Ian Gallagher, you better shut the fuck up before I rip your tongue out of your fucking mouth." When Ian gets an unexpected visit from one of the neighborhood thugs, he thinks it's just another day in the south side. What he doesn't know is that hi...