Strange Figure

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Riku sighed as he started walking down the stairs to the first floor of the school, Tenn had already went to the Cafeteria for Lunch, while Riku wanted to explore a little, just to know the layout a bit better. While he was doing that though..he got lost, since the school was so big, he didn't know how he had ended up getting lost, but he did, and now he was trying to find the Cafeteria.

While walking around trying to figure out where he was, Riku thought about the classes they had, they were pretty normal, but he couldn't help but think that the teachers didn't seem to really even care if anyone was even paying attention. Some of the teachers even seemed a bit weird, he wondered how any of them even got hired, same for the nurse..who the school also didn't seem to care would poison students just for pissing her off.

As he continued to walked around trying to find out where he was, Riku thought he saw something or someone, but he wasn't exactly sure, since the figure had turned a corner and Riku just saw the end of what he assumed was hair. Riku didn't expect anyone else to be really walking around, especially upstairs still, since it was the beginning of Lunch, but if it was another student, they could tell him how to get to the Cafeteria.

Hurriedly following the person he saw, he tried to calling out to them to stop and that he wants to ask them something, but they kept walking as if they didn't hear him. Riku noticed that he had ended up towards where the foyer was while chasing the person, since he realized he was by the Nurse's office, which wasn't far from the foyer. The person he had been chasing though, seemed to be walking outside of the school, instead of towards the Cafeteria most likely was.

Riku went towards the foyer to ask them where they were going since it was Lunch, but before he could he felt someone's hand on his shoulder. Looking behind him, he noticed it was one of the boys from earlier, who was trying to wake up the one who was sleeping on his desk.

"Where are you going? It's Lunchtime." the boy asked him. "I was trying to catch up to that person who just left- I thought they were a student too." Riku quickly replied, looking back towards the entrance looking for the person.

"What other student? There's no one there.." the boy said, confused about who Riku was talking about, seeing as they were the only ones in the foyer, and no one seemed to be outside. Riku looked confused as well, since the person had only left the school a moment ago, so they couldn't have walked away from view that quickly.

Riku couldn't figure out how the person had managed to disappear so quickly, but decided it was best not to worry about it now, since Tenn was probably wondering why he was taking so long. "Can you show me where the Cafeteria is..?" Riku asked the boy. The boy nodded and told him to follow him, but Riku still couldn't help but wonder who that person was as they walked, and why they didn't seem to notice him.

"Oh, there you are, Riku." Tenn said, noticing his brother had finally made it to the Cafeteria after being gone for quite a bit. Riku didn't know if he should tell Tenn about the person he had seen earlier or not, but decided it'd be best to talk about it later, since he didn't want to worry Tenn more.

Riku ended up just explaining how he had gotten lost, and had ended up meeting the boy who showed him where the Cafeteria was after ending up in the foyer, which reminded Riku, he had never asked who the boy even was. "By the way, what's your name?" Riku said looking at the boy. "Iori Izumi." Iori replied.

"Riku..are you sure that's all that happened while you were exploring? You look like you got something else on your mind." Tenn pointed out. Riku wasn't sure if Tenn would believe him if he told him about the other person he had saw, since Iori didn't seem to completely believe him himself, since he didn't see anyone else.

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