Demons and Witches

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Tenn had asked Yui of any of the students being Demons or non-human beings in general, but she said as far as she knew, they were all ordinary humans like them, unless they were really good at hiding the fact they weren't.

She told Tenn that all the demons she knew they had already met, or just weren't there, so that wasn't of much help, but at least they knew at least as far as any of them knew, there were no demons at the school.

Yui also asked how talking to Michiko and Devan had went, and he explained to her everything they had learned from the two of them, but also about the Magic Shop they had went to yesterday and if she knew about it.

She was glad that Michiko and Devan was able to help, but as far as the Magic Shop went, she wasn't to sure about ever seeing a shop like that around, but the person running it seemed a bit familiar to her, but she couldn't remember really why at the moment.

It seemed that not even Yui knew what was up with that shop, but she said that she knew a bit about magical items and books because of her demon friends and people who knew magic telling her a bit about it.

He'd have to keep in mind that if they ever visited that shop again to try and get one of those books or at least one of the items there to see if Yui or any of the others knew about them.

Riku had went to find his friends to tell them about what they learned and about the Magic Shop on his own while Tenn talked with Yui, so Tenn hoped that they knew something as well.

Yui explained that Hina would probably know about some of the demons, since she seemed to know quite a bit about them herself, or at least might know if that girl they saw at the shop was a demon.

So they both went to the Nurse's Office to talk to Hina about it, Tenn didn't really know why Yui wanted to come along, but she just said she wanted to talk to Hina about it a bit as well.

Hina greeted them both as they walked into the Nurse's Office, and asked what they needed.

"Do you know anything about demons?" Tenn asked her.

"What a strange question to ask all of the sudden. Why do you want to know that?" Hina asked back.

"Seeing as we've already met quite a few demons already, and we have no idea about if anyone else here is one, maybe you'd know?" Tenn sighed.

"Well, I know of quite a few demons, as well as angels, witches, etc. So you need to be a bit more specific about what one you mean." Hina explained.

As far as they knew, there were no angels involved, although they thought Devan was one, but he explained to him that he wasn't and was just another demon.

Although, Witches they didn't know about, but because of those magic books at the Magic Shop, maybe the girl who ran it was a Witch, or just a demon who just happened to have items like that.

Hina explained to them all she knew about demons and other beings like them or people who could simply use magic like Witches, but she wasn't exactly sure if any of the others students were demons, but she was sure they weren't.

Tenn wasn't sure how Hina knew all about things like this, but he had the feeling he probably didn't want to know, so he didn't ask.

While they talked a bit more, they left the Nurse's Office, but thanked Hina for the help before they did.

They still weren't to sure about how to tell demons disguised as humans apart from other humans very well, but they at least knew more about how they were in a way.

It seemed like demons who were more carefree like Veronica didn't really care to keep their powers hidden, since humans wouldn't be able to do much about them because of that.

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