The End

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The next day, they all met up at the Train Station as planned, the chaos outside was just as bad as it was the day before, so Mirai had to do her best to keep them safe as they made their way to the school.

Riku was a bit worried she would get exhausted from protecting them all the way there, but she reassured him that it was a pretty simple spell, so it wouldn't exhaust her that quickly.

He still seemed worried, but nodded, since Mirai seemed confident in her magic ability to hold up.

Devan said it'd be better if one of them are in front of the group in case anything happened Mirai stayed toward the center of the group so it'd be easier to protect them all.

"This is going to be Hell to get to the school on foot.." Devan mumbled.

"Well, none of us know how to drive the Train, and we don't own any cars that would fit this many people, so this is the only other option." Mirai pointed out.

"True..the last thing we need is crashing a Train trying to control it.." Devan sighed.

With that, they made their way to the school, it took a while to walk there on foot since the chaos had caused a bit of destruction, so they had to make some detours to get to the school safely.

Once they reached the school, all they had to do now was to find a way to sneak inside. Which would be a bit difficult with Lillian having full view of everything around it from the rooftop.

They waited a few minutes to be sure she was most likely not looking in their direction to run towards the school and hug the wall to prevent them from getting seen.

After that they made their way to the entrance of the school while being careful to not make any noise that would draw attention to them.

Inside the school it entire building was dim, so it was a bit hard to see but with Mirai's magic it helped at least provide some light so they could see better.

Quietly making their way upstairs and towards the rooftop, Tenn felt a bit uneasy about confronting Lillian, but remembered this was the only way to stop her, so he shoved the uneasy feeling aside.

Opening the door to the rooftop, they walked out onto the roof, where they saw Lillian, who seemed to have now noticed they were there, or at least, that's what they assumed.

"Oh? Are you here to watch the show? I had a feeling you'd come here, just not so soon." she smiled at them.

"No, we're not." Tenn replied simply.

Lillian seemed a bit surprised, but he doubted it was genuine surprised, since she smirked afterwords.

"Then I guess you're here to try and stop me, am I right?" Lillian asked curiously.

"Yea, and we're gonna make sure we succeed." He confirmed.

"Is that so?" she seemed to become a bit bored of talking now.

"I have a question for you though.." Tenn said.

"And what would that be?" She asked.

"Why did you even have a shop to sell things if no one else noticed it besides just me and Riku?" he asked her seriously.

She stared at him for a moment before laughing a bit and then composing herself again.

"I'm sure you probably guessed it by now, but since you two seemed to have already been looking around for anything out of place, I decided why not just make a shop that would draw your attention." she explained.

So he was right, it really was just to lure them in, and then she could interact with them that way rather than still watching from afar.

"Why do you so badly want to destroy the Town..? Is really just because it's dull to you now?" Riku asked her.

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