Party Plans

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All during school, Yui had been talking to them about some party that was going happen that Friday, and was told them they should come along to it, since it would be something fun to do.

Riku thought it was sounded like fun, since this also gave them a chance to meet more people, so he nodded at the idea of going to a party.

The others didn't mind the thought of going to the party as well, since it at least gave them something to do after a long week of school, so they all agreed to meet up at where the party was being held when it was Friday.

Tenn was a bit skeptical about it, but Yui reassured him it was just going to be a party that was probably going to be mostly students.

If there was any adults, they were probably only going to be there then they were going to just make sure no one was going to be any underage drinking. So they should be fine going to the party without any issues occurring, at least, they hoped so.

Riku thought that since there was probably going to be other adults there, they could also bring Ryuu and Gaku along with them, just in case anything did happen, plus they could have some fun there too.

He'd have to ask them about it when they get home later though, so for now they had to just through a few more classes and then they could finally head home and have some free time.

Once school finished, they made their way back to the Train Station in so they could head home. On their way there, Riku was talking to Iori, Tamaki and Nagi, Tenn listened to their conversation, but mainly stayed quiet.

"Do you think Tsunashi-san and Yaotome-san will come to the party with us, Tenn-nii?" Riku asked him.

"That's up to them if they do or not, but they probably will, so they can make sure we're safe." Tenn replied, still looking forward.

"Will you try not to fight with Yaotome-san if they do?" Riku looked at him.

Tenn stayed quiet for a moment. "Fine...I'll try not to fight with him." he answered with a sigh.

Riku looked happy that Tenn would at try to not fight with Gaku if they came along with them to the party, besides if they did they would probably get in trouble for doing so.

As they reached the Train, he saw Yui messing around while waiting to get on the train, while Joshua seemed to not care about anything going on, or trying to stop her.

He didn't really understand why Joshua didn't seem bothered by anything Yui did, but if she asked him for information about something that involves the Police, he wouldn't help her with it.

Their friendship honestly seemed a bit strange to Tenn, but then again, he hasn't known them for very long, so for all he knew, they actually had things in common.

Which reminded him of the first time him and Riku had met them, they were both frightening that poor Cashier at the Convenience Store, so they seemed to both like causing trouble in some way.

At least Joshua didn't seem to carry a weapon with him all the time like Yui and apparently some other students did.

That was another question they didn't really have an answer to, why no one did anything about the students having weapons on them, let alone carrying them around in a school that could lead to something bad.

He had a feeling no one was really going to give a straight forward answer to any of those questions, so he just pushed them aside as they got on the Train.

On the ride home, Riku was still talking to his friends, so Tenn looked at his phone during the ride.

Or at least he tried to, but Yui seemed to get bored of trying to get Joshua to talk since he was to busy looking down at his phone, so she decided to talk to Tenn instead.

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