Hambourg, 1960

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A week later, Hannah and her band settled the last details of the trip, loaded their belongings into a large van that they had equipped to store their instruments and mattresses to rest, and then set out for Hamburg, heading for the Kaiserkeller. After 8h drive they arrived at the club where Koschmider was waiting for them, the club was in the St. Pauli quarter, and was dangerous for anyone that looked different than the usual clientele.

"What a crappy rat hole, this neighborhood," Ben says.

"Damn, Hannah, what shit did you get us into, I knew we couldn't trust that fucking Nazi," Says Simon.

"you become weak or what guys, it's ok, we've seen worse" says David
they came out of the van.

Koschmider came to greet them, showed them the club, and told them how it worked.

"You'll be 3 bands to play every night one after the other, for the moment one of the bands who'll be the headliner of the festival, isn't available yet, they'll be there in 2 weeks, so you and the another band'll play a little longer, 3 hours each, until the 3rd band come, as these two bands plays only covers, you'll pass last, because I don't know how'll react the public, with songs that they don't know, but the majority of our audience are men, and your singer is lovely, I think it shouldn't be a problem, you have questions?"

"It seems good," says Hannah.

"Well now follow me, I'll show you where you'll sleep and I'll introduce you to the other band."

They walked a hundred meters, then arrived in front of a porn cinema, "The Bambi Kino".

"Uh, but it's not a hotel" says Ben.

"I said that I host you for free, I didn't talk about hotel, I already pay you enough, to make additional fees"

They entered the cinema by the back door, there was a strong rancid smell, everything was dirty, they entered a small room, just as dirty as the rest of the cinema, with cots on the floor, and shabby blankets.

"you have the restroom right here, where you can wash"

There were already 5 boys sitting on the ground playing cards.

"I introduce you to the Beatles, they come from Liverpool, you will play after them every night, I let you meet them. Hannah darling, I can't let such a lovely young lady sleep surrounded by so many young men, it wouldn't be suitable, I can make you a small place at home, you'll be more comfortable."

He said with a perverse smile while watching her butt.

"No thank you, I'm staying with my boys, I think I'll be fine, and they don't look very dangerous ..."

she said with a disgust look at the proposal of the old pervert.

"As you want, take care Mademoiselle, I leave you, see you at the club tonight at 18:30"

The 5 boys looked really young, especially 2 of them, who didn't seem to be of age.

"Hannah, I want to smash your skull, look at that damn fucking dorm, welcome back to misery, such a fucking Nazi," Simon said.

"don't bother me Simon, we've lived worse, you're not going to do your princess, let's stop talking French and we'll introduce ourselves. Hi, I'm Hannah, we're "The Frenchies" and here's Simon, Ben and David"

"Hi I'm John, and here's Paul, George, Pete and Stuart, nice to meet you, you're french then?"

"Yes, only Ben and I speak English, the other 2 don't really understand, they can be real assholes, with their looks of killers, but they're cool, when you know them," She said to the worried look of boys.

"Oh ok, I like France, I'd like to visit Paris one day"

"oh well, come and see us when you come. How long have you been there?"

"we arrived in Hamburg in May, before we played in another club that closed, and we play since early September at the Kaiserkeller."

"Oh so it's been a long time"

The young boys found Hannah super attractive, but with the 3 mastiffs who surrounded her, nobody dared to flirt with her. They get to know each other, and keep chatting all afternoon, even David and Simon got into the conversations, with their lack of English. 

"So you're the singer, Hannah?" Says John.

"Yes, and im playing bass too"

"Women, shouldn't play guitar"

"Why John, do you play guitar with your cock?"

"Whaaat, uh no!"

"Well, i can't play bass with my pussy either, so i use my hands just like you, then woman can also play what they want..."

"ok ok, well done, you win"

"ahahah, she put you in your place in one sentence " says George.

"and I also write our own songs, Ben composes the music..."

""compose" a big word ... we try to find beats that sound good with our instruments and David and Simon follow." Says Ben.

"With John we compose a lot of stuff too, but for the moment in public, we only do covers." says Paul.

"Why? You should play your own music, it'll be great!"

"we don't know, people mostly want to hear songs they know, maybe when we'll be enough famous, we can play our songs. Besides, it's surprising that the boss lets you play your own music."

"We also have to do covers, but I guess he let us play our songs, more because of my physical, than for our music, fucking pervert, he thinks I'll attract male customers to his club."

"without offending you guys and you of course, it's true that you're pretty hot, love."Says Pete with a charming gaze.

"Why do you call me love?"

"Chill out, it's just a British

"Oh, ok!"

They were cute, but none interested Hannah, she found them too childish, too kind.
it was almost time to go to the club, they tried to get ready and wash as they could, in the middle of the grime and stench of the place.

"3 months without a real shower, it will be long, fortunately this bastard pays us well"

"Simon you act like a cunt, even me who's a girl, I don't complain as much, you will be happy when you pay your bike!"

They were finally ready and went to the Kaiserkeller with the Beatles.

They were finally ready and went to the Kaiserkeller with the Beatles

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