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A week later, the Beatles received a proposal from another club, paying much better than Koschmider and accommodated in a better place, everyone was a little sad to see them go out to play elsewhere, but especially happy for them, they deserved to...

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A week later, the Beatles received a proposal from another club, paying much better than Koschmider and accommodated in a better place, everyone was a little sad to see them go out to play elsewhere, but especially happy for them, they deserved to be better paid. Rory and his hurricanes was the best paid group, and also the best housed, Koschmider had arranged rooms for them at the Kaiserkeller, with a real bathroom.

But Koschmider was furious, his biggest money entry flying elsewhere, he had bet everything on Rory and his band, thinking they would be more popular and finally it was the Beatles who brought him more customers, so he didn't intend to let them go so easily. At first, he denounced George to the authorities for work under legal age, he was immediately deported, and in a second time he lodged a complaint against Paul and Pete, for fire, he had completely extinguished the lights of Bambi Kino, and the boys had lit a condom to make light. They had to spend 3 hours in prison before being deported in their turn.
Hannah and Astrid were furious and sad, for not being able to say goodbye to their friends, especially George whom they had been very fond of.

John had his work permit which expired, as he was alone with Stuart, his license wasn't renewed, he was able to say goodbye to everyone, Hannah gave him her address in Paris, knowing he wanted to visit it, and she asked him to tell George that she missed him a lot.

Stuart managed to stay, he didn't want to leave Astrid, which was more important to him than the band. Even if Rory and the Frenchies got along well, and Richard and Hanna had almost become a normal couple, the atmosphere wasn't the same without the boys.

Few days later Rory, who was very fond of the Frenchie's show, imitated their way of jumping on stage, especially the jump that made Hannah from her amp,  he wanted to make an even more spectacular leap, he climbed onto the piano and then jumped with both feet together, the scene gave way under his feet, making a huge hole, where he fall, dropping a cymbal from Richard's drums, at the same time. Richard was upset, he was very careful with his drums, and he knew that this story would end badly! The concert was stopped, Koschmider was really furious, the scene had become unusable,and the repair would be long and expensive he had to close the club earlier. He shouted at Rory, insulting him, and threatened the band to revenge, put an end to the 2 contracts of the 2 bands.

Hannah and the boys were so disappointed, 2 months less pay, and for Hannah, 2 months less with Richard, they would barely start enjoying together, that it was already the end, they spent their last night together enjoying each other as much as possible.

The next morning, they put away their belongings and their instruments, Astrid and Stu came to join them, as well as Horst the bouncer who had sympathized with them. They decided to spend their last day all together and go eat somewhere before leaving, David, who had learned to have an eye everywhere due to his past, quickly noticed that they were followed by Koschmider and his men who  was armed with batons. He asked Hannah to tell everyone while he was talking to Ben and Simon.

"ok, guys, don't look back, we're followed by Koschmider and his men, they are armed with batons, surely to make us pay yesterday evening.

"Astrid, Stu, you're going to pretend to say goodbye and go, we'll meet later."

"uh, Hannah don't tell me you're staying, they're boys they know how to fight, but you?"

"Ahaha don't worry about me, that's nothing at all we've experienced much worse."

"Hannah please, Astrid is right, I don't want anything to happen to you, go with her "

"Out of question, Richie, nothing will happen to me and I'll not leave the only people I love in this world, to be bothered by these gorillas, arms crossed. "

Ben and Simon gave instructions to Hanna who explained the plan to the boys. Horst was also with them to help them. They entered a bar without customers, taking all that could be used to defend themselves. Waiting for the men to arrive.
They had barely time to get into the bar, which they had caught by surprise, Simon who was the most mad of all, massacred them with blows, by treating them of Nazi, Hannah had seen him a thousand times fight, but she had never seen him so enraged, she was really afraid that he was going too far, Looking at Simon, she forgot to be more attentive, one of the guys grabbed her by the hair, she tried to struggle by also beating him, but Richard jumped on him with a punch that made him fly to the ground,

"take your hands off my girl, asshole"

They were so badly hit that they quickly fled to the despair of Koschmider who didn't expect that.
Simon was disappointed that they were running away so quickly, he was just starting to have fun.

"look at these Nazi whores fled like rats" says Simon.

"wow Richie, it was amazing, you already impressed me but it was just crazy, as you exploded him on the floor, it was too good "

He kissed her.

"it made me crazy to see this big swine touch you, I'm going to miss you so much Hannah"

"Im gonna miss you too"

"Im gonna miss you too"

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