Almost - Final

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Jennie's POV

"Thank you Kai!" I said to my ex boyfriend. I'm really excited to go home now, after we had a talk. You see for five years I've been waiting for this, waiting for the moment that we can talked about what happened to us. I know that at the end of the day, Kai is a good man, I observed and experienced that first hand. That's also one of the reasons why I fell for him. The moment he abandoned us? I know that was not his decision after all, he's the only man, in their family. His parents have lots of plan for him, that time we're too young, too young to start a family, too young to get married and have a child. After he left us, though I'm not mad, still I'm disappointed, so disappointed and devastated. I don't know where to go, my own parents disowned me until Lisa offered help, I was hesitant at first, knowing she loves me, more than a friend. She might misunderstand our situation if I accepted her, but Lisa's a good person, she never took advantage of me. She took care of me without asking anything in return, she never demanded anything, she just waited, waited on the things I can give to her. Through out the years we're together I saw how much love she have for me, the love she have for Ella even though she's not her own kid. She took care of us like we're the most important persons in her life. We're Happy...Almost.

Its my fault, I guarded myself. I'm afraid that I might hurt Lisa if I allowed her to enter my heart. I mean, nothing can't be love about her. She's a definition of perfection. She's pretty, hot, smart, kind, talented, caring, loving a family woman indeed. I remembered lots of times when I got jealous because of lots of girls drooling at her, flirting at her, despite of having no right at all, since there's no "official" confirmation of our real relationship. But I'm glad, I'm glad that even if I'm lacking, Lisa didn't leave my side, she's always there through my ups and downs. She always assure me that I'm the prettiest on her eyes and she love me so much. I badly want to answer her back, that I love her as well, that I'm sorry I didn't say it back but there's something holding me back. Its Kai, its our unfinished business. I want to make sure that, that if I give in to this feeling I have for her, I know for a fact that its really true and not just because of the feeling of giving back since she helped me, she helped us. And now? Now that I talked to Kai? I'm now convinced how idiot I am for wasting years of now showing Lisa how much she matters to me, how much I love her, for real. Not because she helped me, not because of Ella, but because I really love her, so much.

Ella's already sleeping so I tucked her in first to her bed before I called Lisa, its late, I know she's already at home. I failed to noticed that my phone's was off, I know she's already worried.

"Baby? Lisa?" Where are you?" I checked the kitchen and saw food. She cooked, that made me smile. Lisa really love taking care of us despite being tired from work, she always made sure that we're well eaten.

She's not in the kitchen.

I went to our room and there she is, in our room's balcony. I remember the first time we slept together, she literally offered to sleep in the couch instead, it made me confused, if there's someone who should sleep there, it should be me, its her house after all. But she declined. She said she won't allow that and I'm also firmed that I won't allow that either. So we end up sleeping in one bed, from being awkward to each other to cuddle buddies. Despite having no label at all, we still did a fair share of kisses, make outs and made love as well, I mean we have needs after all. Though after we did those, we didn't talked about it. In five years, no one dares to talk. I know Lisa don't want to confirm what is she to me, she's still afraid I might say, we're nothing, me on the other hand not yet convinced and I don't want to hurt her as well so I stay silent as well.

I'm about to walk towards her when I noticed a luggage, when I checked it, its her clothes. That feared me.

I rushed to her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Baby? Where are you going?" I asked, I'm on the verge of crying. Don't tell me she now found someone to love, someone who's life not complicated as I am.

She stiffened the moment she felt my hug but relax afterwards. I heard she sighed then turned around to me.

I was shocked when I fully saw her face, her eyes to be exact. Its swollen as if she cried for hours.

It made me nervous and I cupped her face.

"What happened? Why you cried? Lisa? Tell me!" I demanded and she just smiling, though it didn't reached her eyes.

"I'm setting you free Jen, I, I saw you with him, you and Ella looked happy. I, I guess my job's done already." She sadly said. Fvckk, maybe she saw us in the grocery store. Aish. I'm really an idiot not informing her where are we earlier.

She leaned a little and kissed my forehead. I saw a tear escaped her eye and that made my heart ache. All these years I always made Lisa cry. This can't be.

"I, I hope you'll be happy now Jen, that's all what I want. You being happy, you and Ella? I, I can't bid goodbye to her, I can't, so, can you say to her I'll just attend business meeting and eventually return? She's still a baby to understand things. She can still forget me. Thank you, thank you Jen, my Nini for allowing me to be part of your life, to be part of Ella's life. That's the best years of my life baby, I really felt that we're happy family. I, I'm not sure what your plans now, you can live in this house. Its yours, I named this after Ella, I, I know how much she love this place." Lisa said, she's now crying hard that made me cry as well. She wiped my tears. "Take care of yourself Jen, drink lots of water okay? Eat well, you know you're sexy and hot already so don't deprived yourself. Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of your life. I love you so much Jennie Kim, how I wish, to call you as mine, but I think that's not possible now." She smiled sadly and about to leave when I gripped the hem of her shirt.

"Where do you think you'll go Manoban?" I asked while sniffing.

I immediately kneel that caught her off guard but she helped me stand but I refused so she don't have a choice but to join me, we're kneeling. We're now crying non stop.

"Lisa? I know we don't have that "label" any typical couple have. I admit, I'm a coward. You see I, I don't want to hurt you, not realizing that the more I avoid to hurt you is also the reason I hurt you the most. I kept you hanging, not knowing where to stand. Not knowing what's your position here, in my heart." I wiped my nose using the back of my hand that made Lisa chuckled. She helped me wiped the remaining tears but still its pouring. "I'm sorry Lisa, my big baby, my Lili, my unofficial wife. Through out these years, you've nothing but a loving partner to me and loving mother to Ella. I swear I can't asked for more. You're my light Lisa, my guide, my everything aside from Ella. I'm an idiot for not realizing it sooner. I love you too so much Lalisa Manoban. I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! If I need to tell you that every minute from now on just to equal those i love you's you said, I failed to give a response. I love you so much." I lovingly said and reached to my pocket and show her a box. "Will you marry me baby? Please? Will you still marry an idiot like me?" I pleaded.

She chuckled.

"Yah! I'm the one who should propose." She complained that made us laugh.

"Its okay baby, you can propose as well." I said and cupped her face. I'm about to capture her lips when she stopped me and that made me roll my eyes.

"What?" I asked irritated.

She chuckled and kissed the side of my lips.

"How, how about Kai?" She nervously asked.

I gave her a reassuring smile.

"He's nothing to me but a donor to have our baby Ella, other than still my big baby and Ella's our little one." I said lovingly.

For the nth time, a tear escaped her eye...this time a happy tear indeed.

Now she's the one who cupped my face and captured my lips.

A Happy Ending Indeed and this time its not an Almost.

The End.


Thank you for reading guys!

Happy Weekend.

Love Lots. 💓

ctto of the pics I used. 🤗

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