Too Nice

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Jennie's POV

"Okay students get back to your proper seats. We'll go after five minutes." Ms. Song said. I looked around and there I found my girlfriend, seating alone, looking outside the window. We do have a small misunderstanding a while ago because this girlfriend of mine is SO famous not only to the boys but to the girls as well. I don't know if she just being nice sometimes or she really do enjoy the attention she's receiving from those flirts. Aish.

I sat beside her, Lisa, my girlfriend.

She didn't look at my side but I know she felt that I'm already there. Then all of a sudden she stand up.

"Here, let's switch seats." She said with no emotion. Despite the annoyance I smile, but I hid it to her. She really knows that I love to seat beside the window.

"Thanks." I softly mumbled when I'm settled.

I look outside and the bus started to move, after a couple of minutes I felt she move her arm and wrapped it on my shoulder. I just let her and I lean on her chest but my eyes still outside.

She cupped my face using her free hand and made me look at her.

Our face are literally inch closer.

"You still mad baby?" She cutely asks. I gulped. I'm not looking at her eyes but her lips, I really want to kiss those but I control myself, she needs to learn her lesson after all. I didn't speak when all of a sudden she give me little kisses beside my lips.

"I'm so sorry baby, please? Talk to me now? I miss my baby." She said  between those kisses. "I love you. You know that, right?" She said. I just closed my eyes and gather all my remaining self control.

"I love you too Lisa but now you need to learn something, for real, this been a constant scenario. You do that over and over again and you'll say sorry, I'll forgive you and do it again. I'm tired." I said. "Let me think first." I said firmly. Its a wrong move to look at her eyes because the moment I do, I saw pain and sadness in there but I need to be strong. Its for our own sake as well, if this will not be resolved, it can be the reason of our constant fight and worst break up. I'm not a jealous woman, well yes maybe a little but not to the point where in I won't allow her to talk to anybody, all I want is for her to set her limits. She always free to those other people that instead of her free time being spend to me, to us, she will be there for them. It's like I'm just the option if she's free then her time will be on me. There's nothing wrong for being helpful it's just that if it's already abusive I think that's the time you need to reevaluate things.

She sighed and nodded.

We're interrupted when a girl coughed.

"Ahm Lisa? Sorry to interrupt but can you help me get my bag up there?" She's pointing to the top of the bus where you put your heavy or big things. Lisa is tall so it's easy for her to reach that. She look at me first and I just nod.

They're not far so I can easily hear their conversation.

"Thank you Lisa, you're life saver." The girl said using different tone she used a while ago. It's more flirty now that I'm no longer looking. See? This what I'm talking about. "You're welcome Ms. If that's all, I'll get back to my girlfriend." She said that warms my heart. In fairness to my baby, she's really proud to have me. I know and feel that she really love me what I don't want is when people abuse her kindness. Is it bad? I think not.

"Oww, so she's really your girlfriend? That's a shame then. Why stick to one if you can have..." I didn't hear what she said next maybe she just whispered it to Lisa. I want to go there and slap the girl's face. Is she that idiot not realizing I can hear them? But I won't stoop down to her or any other girl's level begging to be "fvck" by the person they like. What's good at that? What's good with the temporary pleasure? I don't care if that's their way of having fun or finding their own happiness but if you're all aware that the person you're targeting already committed then I think that's the time you need to back off.

I was interrupted with my train of thoughts when I heard Lisa speak.

"I don't want to be rude Ms. but even if you undress in front of me together with your friends, I won't replace my Jennie to you or to any other girls. I love her, I love her so much and no amount of pleasure can change that. So if you'll excuse me." My Lisa said.

I grinned. Served you right b*txh.

"I'm sorry Love." Lisa apologizes, maybe because she realized she gone quite long.

"It's okay." I said and wrapped my arms to her arm and lean to her chest.

I felt that she kissed my hair.

"I love you." She said. I really love her random "I love you's".

"I love you too baby." I answered and for the first time since this morning I look at her willingly. I lift my hands and cupped her face. I leaned and peck her lips.

"I'm sorry as well." I said when I pulled away.

"What for?" She asks.

"Being over protective? It's just that I don't want to lose you Lisa, well part of me is mad that other people already abusing your kindness but big part of it is I'm afraid that you'll find someone better than me. You see how those flirts move? They'll do everything just to get you from me." I confessed. "I, ah, I'm sorry if I want you all by myself. Call me selfish but you're mine Lisa, just mine." I added.

"If having you all by myself is being selfish then call me selfish as well Love." She teased and I just roll my eyes. We chuckled. "I'm really sorry baby for being insensitive with your feelings, I know, you know I'm just being nice but I didn't see that they're being too much sometimes. You met me like this and I can't promise to change that easily but I promise to lessen my availability." She sincerely said.

"I'm not against for you being kind Lisa, you know that. To be honest I'm so bless and proud that my girlfriend is SO kind. What I'm against is if the help they're asking is too obvious to be just their "way" of flirting. I hope you know what I mean." I said.

"I know baby, just like the girl earlier?" She embarrassingly said as an example. I nodded.

"Yes. That flirt." I said annoyed.

"You're cute when jealous." She teased.

"I'm not jealous." I denied.

She just chuckled and pouted. Asking for a kiss which I gladly granted.

It's just a smack. We're still inside the bus and we don't want to have a live show in here, do we?

"We good now?" She cutely asks. I nodded smiling.

"I love you so much baby." She said for the nth time.

"I love you too so much." I answered lovingly.

I know this might not be the last time we will have misunderstanding but nothing will not be fix by open communication, compromise and love.


Happy JenLisa Day! 💓

I'm sorry for a lame update, I'm not feeling well. 🤒

Thank you for still reading though.

Apologies for errors.

*ctto of pics I used*

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