Seduction 101 - Part 2

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Jennie's POV

"It's an effective way, isn't it?" I smirked and looked at the girl I used to demonstrate today's lesson, SEDUCTION BY WORDS.

She's a blushing mess right now...cute.

I thought this class will be just one of those ordinary classes I handled in the past but seeing this girl? It changed my mind.

I internally grinned. This might be fun after all.

After a couple of seconds staring with each other I decided to looked away from her first and focus on what I am paid for, and that is to teach.

"So? Any questions or concerns before we continue?" I asked the class.

No one dared to speak. They're just looking at me, as if saying, "Hey! we're not yet recovered on what happened!", that thought made me proud, it means what I did a while ago was effective.

"So since no one is speaking, I'll make you speak. Kindly introduce yourself one by one and tell one of your deepest darkest secret." I boldly stated.

They all gasped and that made them back to reality.

In a normal class setting, the teacher/instructor should've at least do background check about her students but not me, I don't want spoilers so I decided not to do that and do it inside this four cornered room and the information is directed from them.

Murmuring can be heard, violent reactions mostly.

I stop myself from rolling my eyes. I'm not really fond of handling grown up ladies, well excluded if you're tamable, if you know what I mean. I internally grinned. Ugh! My mind.

"I'll start." I stated and that made them stopped from continues chattering.

When I saw that all their attention is on me now.

I smiled, my mild and subtle way of seducing. This is just a basic you noobs, after this class all of you will be an expert without you being aware of it. I talk to them in my mind.

"So as what I've mentioned a while ago my name is Jennie Kim, your instructor in this class. Though there are other classes that you're required to attend to with different instructors of course, some of it are yoga class, gym class and yes, there is make up class as well, just a refresher cause by the looks of it all of you are already expert in doing your own make ups..." I complimented then winked at them. Saw them blushed and yup, I know and I'm aware of my capabilities that even straight girls can be affected too. That act never failed me. "...I'm just the one assigned in the most crucial lesson. The seduction itself." I added.

I saw someone raised her hand.

I smiled at her, finally, they're starting to loosed up.

"Yes Hon?" I acknowledged and that made her blush instantly.

She bowed first.

"Ms. Kim can I..."

I interrupted her.

"Nah, just call me Jennie or much better Jen, if I'm not mistaken most of us here are same age so please, no formalities at all. It's making me feel like that I'm old or something." I stated and acted cringing.

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