Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Supreme Heaven?!

(Your PoV / [Y/N] PoV)

Welcome to Supreme Heaven Gamer!

"Wait what?" I looked around the place and it was quite beautiful but still, before me there is a blue notification-like box with
'Welcome to Supreme Heaven Gamer!' in that blue box.

"Interesting place isn't it?"

I heard a voice which was truly old. I turned around only to see a man in his seventies or eighties with a dark green kimono and a brown coat over the kimono sitting behind a middle-sized table with two cups of tea.

 I turned around only to see a man in his seventies or eighties with a dark green kimono and a brown coat over the kimono sitting behind a middle-sized table with two cups of tea

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"Excuse me, but who are you?" I asked while sipping the cup of green tea.

"Oh I'm the Supreme God, and you're right now in the Supreme Heaven, the Heaven where all of the ones that I choose go to help me with the other universes that I created." said the old man while smiling at me.

"So you're like Zeno from Dragon Ball right?" I asked with a expression that screams for answers.

"Yeah", answered the Supreme God, "something like that."

I asked him: "Why did you chose me and not some other guy. I'm clearly not the strongest, nor I'm the wisest, so I ask you again, why me?"

"Well you seemed to not really have any relatives that care about you, other than your little sister but she's still alive so yeah. Other than that your the first one to be ever chosen so I didn't really have an idea of who should I choose." said the man who was before me.

"So", I started "what should I do now? Do I need to be an angel who goes to different universes and spreads the word of god?"

The Supreme God chuckled and answered, "No, I tried that already but it didn't work. I would like you to become someone who should protect the world from devastation. The best example is a Gamer and that's what you're gonna be! A man who will have the power that can rival a god! It sounds like fun, right?"

"Well it sounds good. So what do I need to do? A hard trial? A test of endurance?" I tried to get him to speak.

The Supreme God laughed at me and said "Oh, No, no, no, no, no. I'm gonna give you the power of a Gamer and a few extra bonuses and then you're ready to go!"

"Really?" I asked, clearly confused by his statement.

"Yes", he answered confident "you don't need to worry about anything. Other than, you know, dieing."

"Alright, get ready you'll get Reincarnated any second now."
said the Supreme God while smiling at me.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Supreme God." I said and disappeared in a blue flash.

'Welcome to the Highschool DxD Universe, Gamer!'

Hello my worthless ningens, how are ya today?
That's my first real chapter so I hope you liked it. If yes, stay and see what our hero will experience in the new world. If no tell me what I should do better, and I try to do it.

Goodbye, my ningens.

Reincarnated Gamer! (Male Gamer Reader x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now