Chapter 23

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Chapter 23
The Rating Game Result and The Wedding Party Crasher!

(Y/N PoV)

Opening my eyes from a long slumber I noticed something.

Something very squishy.

And quite-


'Now that's a boob right there.' I thought and retracted my hand.

I sat up, saw Yasaka and Kunou and immediately started waking them up.

"Hey girls...time to get up." I said in a whisper.

"Five more minutes daddy." said Kunou.

'...' I was at loss for words.

"Come on, we need to get up." I repeated and finally Yasaka got up.

She looked at me with a sleepy face and asked me, "What is it darling?"

"It's time to get up and eat something, so I would appreciate if you two could let me go." I explained to her, trying to break free from their iron grip.

Yasaka giggled, but did let go of me, finally.

Kunou was harder to wake up, at least for few minutes to escape her grip.

After a few seconds of struggle, I finally managed to escape and go to the bath.

As I was showering inside, I prepared to be hugged from behind and probably raped.

But to my surprise, Kalawarner didn't come into the shower. Nor did Yasaka or my sister.

As I brushed my teeth, I noticed that it was silent.

Too silent.

I slowly went down the stairs and scanned the area.

No one was there.

And I mean literally no one.

'Alright...I swear to god, if they got captured...' I looked around, only to find a piece of paper.

Hey Daddy!

Me, mommy, Kalawarner, Aunt Hadaka and Big Sis Mittelt went to the stores, to buy things for Mittelt. Sorry for not informing you normally, but it was important.


'I have several questions.' I said.

'First, did Yasaka somehow manage to convince her, that I'm only her Father? Second, why the hell do they go to store, every time I'm in the shower and don't even try to inform me through speaking with me?' I had many more questions, but decided against it. Seeing it would only use precious time and even then, I wouldn't get an answer.

'Alright, just roll with it.' I said to myself, ate something and was on my way to town myself.

Suddenly I got a message.

I took out my phone and looked who send me that message.

'Sona?' I asked myself, but then read the rest.

'So the Rating Game was already played? Well, she said come and see the results. Maybe they actually managed to win?' I asked myself.

I would be amazed.

I turned around and started to go to school, because Sona wants to meet me in the Student Council Room.

On my way there, I slowly felt more and more Devil Aura, so I suspected that they were doing something.

Reincarnated Gamer! (Male Gamer Reader x Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now