Chapter 11

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Chapter 11
In The Time of Need!
You Can Wish a Tail Back?!

(Y/N PoV)

I'm right now on the way, to help Issei but of course some stray devils need to somehow stop me.

'Ughh, I hate them. Of course not every stray devil, because I must say, Kuroka is just one of the perfect nekos out there. And she's a stray devil.' I thought while thinking of Kuroka and her, as I like to say, assets.

I shook my head.

'I'm turning into an Issei. Bad (Y/N), bad!'

I saw a flying girl with blond hair.

'Wow, I thought Raynare would wish to finish the job. It only shows, she's lazy. Even if she's one of the best girls in Highschool DxD.' I thought and watched the scene.

(Issei PoV)

(Haha, got'cha here. You wouldn't think I would do his PoV eh?)

'Damn it!', I thought, 'Even if I'm now a Devil, I still can't beat a simple Fallen Angel! And not only that, she's younger than me!'

"I can't believe, Raynare couldn't kill you! You're like the worst human!" the girl that was hovering in the air, shouted to me, while laughing at me.

How does she know about that?!


'Wait that hidden power, that Rias said I posses! How do I unlock it?!'


"You just have to focus on a part of the body, and then your Sacred Gear should awaken." said Rias while having a smile and explaining Issei how he can unlock his Sacred Gear.

(Flashback End)

'That's right!' I thought while focusing on my left arm.

I put my left arm up just as that blonde girl wants to kill me.

"FOCUS!" I yell and a red gauntlet-like thing appeared on my arm.

"WhaaAAAH!" the blonde girl screamed while being blasted back by that red gauntlet-like thing on my arm.

But even after that she came out of the rubble and stood up, while holding a spear in her hand.

"Even if you have a Sacred Gear, I'm gonna finish the job!" she shouted and attacked me but in the same time some dude in a black mask and black hoodie with black jeans jumped infront of me and deflected the spear.

"You Fallen Angels never learn, do you?" he asked in an arrogant tone.

The blonde girl focused her sights on the dude infront of me.

"And what's it to you? Who are you anyway?" she asked.

(Y/N PoV)

"Someone who's far stronger than you." I asked while readying my Super God Fist.

She laughed and said: "I doubt that! You aren't even gonna land a scra-" she couldn't finish her sentence because I hit her with the Super God Fist that knocked her instantly out cold.

"Well she's out for the count." I said and turned towards the pervert.

He looked bit scared.

"Go to your master, devil. Going alone in the night isn't the best idea, especially if you have one of the strongest Sacred Gears out there." I said to Issei, while he just nodded and ran towards the ORC building that is located near the school.

"Well I'll drop her off to the church, and go home." I said to myself, picked Mittelt up and flew to the abandoned church.

(Small Timeskipu!)

Well here I am, sitting on my bed, while Observing my tail that is wrapped around my waist. I wished it back after arriving in my room.

(Flashback Time!)

That was the last time I helped him.

'Not even a simple "Thank you." ?' I shook my head and went inside my room through the window that I left open.

'Now there was something about "Wish your tail back" right?'

Do you want to wish your Tail back?


I pressed yes, and I felt a slight pain just above my nice ass (#nohomo) and right below my back.

I saw a brown thing wagging right beside me.

'Well shit, that's quite fun having a tail!' I thought while grabbing a water bottle with my tail.

'And I have some control over my tail, that's good.' I thought and wrapped my tail around my waist.

(Flashback End)

'I need to find a way to hide it so it is not noticeable but still easy to unwrap or take out.' I thought while trying out many things.

I decided to let it wrapped around my waist and look like a belt to other people.

'But still, if someone decides to touch it, I'm pretty fucked' I thought shivering at the thought that someone would find out that I'm not human.

"Well enough of this, I need sleep!" I said to myself and went to sleep.

Hello, my ningens.

Sorry for not updating, but I have some exams and not to mention that I am sick, so yeah. It's possible that I will only be able to update this only once more in this week and the next week should be again as always. Again I'm sorry. If you like the story so far, I am happy to have you read my story again. That's everything from me.

Goodbye, my ningens.

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