Chapter 36

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Chapter 36
Well, That Went Fucking Well.
Some Big Ass Dog Needs A Walk.

(Y/N PoV)

I was walking down the street and out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pretty little thing approaching me.

She said, "Kokabiel wants to destroy the city, you must help us with this goddamn problem."

"If you help us out, we would be very grateful and not dead you fucking twat."

I said, "You such a sweet young thing, why do you swear so much?"

She looked at me and this is what she said.

"There ain't no time for this talking, we could die any moment. We got Fallen Angel to kill, we got a city to save and we seriously don't have time for this. You know we need your help and Kokabiel won't hold back, oh you know we wish, he could. You know were losing time right here, so why we don't end him now for good."

I laughed out loud, at how it matched the song and nodded at Ruruka, which led me to school.

The barrier was up right now and I waved.

"(Y/N)! It's a relief to finally have you here!" Rias jumped at me and hugged me.

Now, I would say get off me thot or I'll slap you to Valhalla, but since the whole date and the sex, she kinda is nice.

And now you ask yourself, how, when, where?!

To the question how, we ate and how to have sex you probably already know, when, it was a few days before this and it will come, don't worry, but in a filler if the author finally finishes it, and where, well at a restaurant and the sex...a half of it still there and the other half in the ORC club room. Oh and someone else joined in the fun.

I'm seriously considering your death to be canon in this story, if you don't stop breaking the fourth wall.

So, as I was saying, this pancake is really nice.

"Did someone see Xenovia or Yuuto?" asked asked Issei.

"Let's just hope this isn't going to be a setback." sighed Genshirou.

I rolled my eyes and decided to skip the foreplay transforming into Super Saiyan 2.

Everyone kinda staggered at how much power I released all at once.

"Let's skip the foreplay shall we?" we all entered and soon enough the whole gymnastic hall exploded.

"I mean I'm strong but come on, I didn't go full POWAH yet." I joked, when suddenly Cerberus appeared from the darkest pit of Hell.

Maybe not since he kinda is at the gate and not...nevermind.

Koneko and Akeno immediately went for an attack, while I just sat back and literally made some popcorn.

Slowly a second one appeared.

"The fuck? Then again Dante did screw with two of them...well, I'm okay with OH COME ON!" a third one slashed at Asia.

Issei quickly grabbed her out of harm's way, while I kicked the fucker few feet away.

Issei nodded and I nodded back.

"Asia go, me and (Y/N) are gonna distract the dog." Issei yelled while running full speed at Cerberus.

The dog slashed at him, but surprisingly he jumped out of the way, almost falling on his ass.

Me and Koneko jumped in, making him able to quickly reposition himself.

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