Chapter 37

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Chapter 37
Kiba's Awakening

(Y/N PoV)

"It's complete!" we all turn around to the fat priest.

"Within 20 minutes this whole city shall be destroyed! This ritual to fuse four holy swords into one is now finished." he continued his monologue.

"NANI?!" everyone besides me yelled.

'My bloody ears.' I rubbed them in hopes of making them not hurt so much.

"There's no way to cancel it, besides of course killing Kokabiel!" he exclaimed.

These villain fights are getting kinda boring now.

"20 minutes? We won't even have enough time to wait for Sirzechs reinforcements!" said Issei.

"Thank you Captain Obvious. Now, if you stop whining about a it, you could realize, that you don't need them. Why? Because you have me! And that's more than enough." I told the ORC.

"Well he does have a point..." murmered the whole club.

'Should I feel insulted or...? Oh well.' 

Then, Kiba walked up to Galilei and the monologue started.

'Hey, (Y/N)?' I heard Kurama say.

'Kurama! How nice of you to finally speak to me! Where is the rest?' I smiled inwardly.

'Unconsicous after our little...well anyway, I noticed something weird about that Fallen Angel. He seems to have a power that almost matches yours. Do you think you can beat him, or should I assist you?' she asked.

'Well...sure I guess. You tell me where he's gonna strike and I'm gonna do what it's called, a pro gamer move and dodge.' I accepted the offer.

Looking again towards Kiba, he started running at Galilei.

Me and Koneko noticed Cockabiel charging an attack, so I shunshinned to Kiba, grabbed him and on the way back Koneko, before we could get hit.

"I'm impressed, (Y/N)-san. You're quite fast." said the Keanu Reeves on budget with a big drug and dental problem.

"And I'm impressed that you still are somehow relevant to the world." I shrugged.

He glared at me before calling Freed.

"Moshi moshi, Bossu?" laughed the stray exorcist.

"Finally you came out!" Issei yelled.

"This is our last piece of entertainment, I hope it will suffice. Use the Excalibur with the power of four swords to slaughter them. I expect, that you will not fail me." Cockabiel ordered.

"Aye aye! So the wonderful Excalibur is in my possesion. How exciting! Now, who wants to die first, you devil scum!"

Kiba suddenly arised from the ground, as if he was just resurrected.

'I have been resurrected and have risen from the ashes of my weak past self. That sounds like a cool villain sentence to say. I need to remember this.' I thought to myself, on this wonderful day.

I looked back at the Kiba, who was now weakly standing before Galilei, that was holding a crystal of some sorts.

'Isn't that the crystal with the genes of the kids from Kiba's backstory?' I noticed.

Then, I felt like someone was approaching me, Koneko and Issei at high speeds.

'Watch out darling! The crazed excorcist is charging at you three.'

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