Chapter One

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A/n: Before you begin reading this story, I wanted to say that English is not my first language and that I have dyslexia, so there might be some errors

Tears were running down my face as my knees fell on the floor. In front of me was the body of the beloved mother, with a dagger on her rib cage "No! No! No!" I whisper to myself. Jon stares to me with a guilty look "Daenys...I'm sorry..." I lift my gaze from my mother's corpse to him, furiously looking at him with my violet eyes "WHY?" I scream to him. Jon was about to talk when we heard Drogon roaring and walk to Daenery's body, rubbing his snout on her body, trying to wake her up. He then looks to Jon, lifting his head high, growling to him. I walk forward, stopping between them. Putting my hand on Drogon neck "Everything she did for you! The sacrifice that she did for you and the North!" he took a deep breath, tightened his hands "Daenys...Your mother was mad. What she did to Kings Landing was horrible! The innocent people and children that she killed... There was no excuse." my body starts shaking when he finishes. This bastard! He should burn. My mother did what should have been done. If she became mad then it was their fault who turn her like this.

Drogon starts roaring, almost making the red keep shaking with his screams. He was mourning the loss of his rider...of his mother. Then he pushes his head high in the air, took a deep breath and set fire to the Iron Throne, putting all his rage and anguish on the throne. I and Jon stand there with a shocked face, watching the iron melting with his fire.

When Drogon stopped, the throne was just a puddle of melted iron, still with some parts on fire. We stay there for a moment, watching to where should be the Iron Throne that's now was just a big hole, an empty space. Drogon picks up our mother with his claw, he lowers his shoulder, letting me mount him to his back. I try to clean my tears as I climb to his back, pushing some pieces of silver hair behind my ear. I grab the spikes on his back, sitting comfortably. Looking to the sea in front of me, I will take her to Valyria, buried her there with all of our ancestors. Taking a deep breath "Valand." with my order, Drogon jumps in the air, flapping his wings, taking us to our home.


I stare to her face which was losing her beautiful color. I've put her on a stone bench surrounded by red roses. One of my tears has fallen to her soft cheek "Rest well, mother...I love you so much..." my lower lips start shaking as I try to stay strong like she was. Drogon lowers himself, rubbing his snout on my back, trying to comfort me "Looks like we are alone." I say to him, giving him a little pet "A Targaryen all alone in the world it's a terrible thing...." I whisper to myself.

I should go back and continue what my mother left to do but I couldn't... I couldn't rule the seven kingdoms, I'm not like my mother, not strong like her. I'm not even like my father, from all the tales that my mother told me about him. His name was Khal Drogo and the story that would always fascinate me was how my parents fall in love and how he promises to my mother that he would give her the seven kingdoms. The only thing that I inherited from him was my light brown skin, the rest was from my mother. Everyone says that I look just like her but with light brown skin, with my long silver hair and violet eyes.

I kiss each of her soft cold cheeks "Goodbye.... Muñnykeā(Mother)" I took a step back, look to Drogon then to her "...Dracarys..." with that he set fire to the corpse of my mother, giving her a true Targaryen funeral.


The sun starts rising from the horizon, letting the sunlight bathe me with a warm feeling. I stir as I feel a warm breath tickling my face, opening my eyes I saw Drogon looking at me with tired eyes. Standing up from where I was lying down, looking around, I saw that where my mother's body was, it's now a pile of ashes. I stay here all night, watching her body burn. Tears begin rising again. What will I do without her? I know that anyone, except the unsullied and the Dothraki, wants to see another Targaryen on the Throne. Maybe I should return to Meereen, there I have a home and some friends. I look to Drogon "Well, Drogon...Let's go visiting some friends." with that I climb his wing and sit on his back, grabbing his spikes "Valand." and with that, we start flying towards Meereen.

During the trip, I notice something strange on the clouds. They were almost pitch-black and it wasn't very normal, it looks like a storm.

We start getting closer, the winds were stronger and colder. I grasp tightly on the spikes for not falling over of Drogon. This isn't normal! A huge thunder blew in front of us, making Drogon disoriented, I try to lead him lower, to get out of the storm but he unbalanced by the strong winds. We start falling, a scream escapes from me as I cling to Drogon. Suddenly the storm stops, making Drogon balances again and land on a vast tall grass.

I stay on him, trying to catch my breath and looking at my surroundings. Where the hell am I? I don't remember this place. It's mostly all trees and grass around us, with a road some yards ahead. Fuck! Everything in my life is happening badly.

Suddenly I hear a wagon coming closer, I look to my right and saw an old man driving a wagon that was full of ...colorful sticks? The old man was wearing a grey robe, with a pointy grey hat. Maybe I could ask him where am I, "Excuse me, Sir?" I yell to him as he was a bit far from me. The old man stops and looks at me and Drogon with huge wide eyes, the smoking pipe falls from his mouth as it was hanging open. Shit! Maybe it was a bad idea since I was mounting a dragon. The old man jumps from the wagon and grabs his strange wood stick "WHO ARE YOU!? WERE YOU SENT BY THE DARK LORD?!" the old man yelled to me as a light start forming on the end of his wood stick. What the hell?! Dark Lord?! I lift my hands, showing him that I'm not a threat "Please, sir! I won't do any harm! I just wanted to ask you where am I? And in what direction it's Meereen?" I said quickly. The old man stops the light and looks to be confused, he walked closer to me, eyeing to Drogon "What's your name, Young Lady?" he asks, observing Drogon like it's was a beautiful artifact "My name is Daenys Targaryen. And what is yours?" I said politely "I'm Gandalf The Grey, my Lady. Nice to meet you." I nod "I notice now that you aren't from here and a what beautiful...beast that you have there." he said, nodding to Drogon. I start feeling the rage boiling on my blood. Mother always hated when people call beasts to her children "No! I'm not from here...and he's not a beast! He's my friend." I said firmly "Now, could you tell me where am I?" he nods "You are close to the Shire, in Middle-Earth!" What? The Shire? Middle-Earth? I don't know those places. I never heard about them.

Gandalf must notice my confused state "My Lady, I see that you have questions and I love it to tell you everything but you can't stay here with your friend! It's too dangerous. Follow me, I have a cabin near. There you could rest and hide the dragon, also answering some of my questions." with that he jumps to his wagon and order the horse to move. I stay there thinking if I should follow him. What if he kills me? Or worse...No! He couldn't do anything because Drogon is near.

Sighing, I and Drogon start following him. Let's hope that everything will be okay..

Hey Guys!! I hope that you like this first chapter as much I liked. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think.


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