Final Chapter

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One hundred years have passed and there wasn't a single day that I haven't missed my love. After the great battle and Daenys funeral, I and the twins along with Istril and Tunniel and Maglor stayed in middle-earth a while the Valar took the rest of the elves back to Valinor together with Morgoth and Sauron, making middle-earth a safe place again.

Idhrendir and Lachril were now in their teenage years, they have grown strong and intelligent like their mother. It's was a big challenge to raise two babies alone but I had help from everyone. Istril and Maglor would often babysit them for me to rest a little. Gandalf would teach them valyrian and the culture of their mother since he was the only one that knew most of her language and culture. Elrond and his children would help me through my mourn, always trying to cheer me and take me for hunts. But still was difficult to deal with her death though I had to be strong for my children, I had to take care of them and spoil them with all the love I could give.

Lachril was a copy of Daenys in appearance, long silver hair and two big violet eyes. But in personality, she was me. Always joking around and with a positive attitude. She had the greatness of friendship with Daenerion, they were always together. I even had to kick him out of her room once.

Idhrendir was to a copy of his mother but he had more features similar to mine. His personality was something I didn't know who it came because he was a very calm elf. He was always tucked in the library, learning new languages and new cultures. He also had learned play the harp with Maglor and some of the elves in Rivendell said he was almost good as Maglor.

"Ada! Are you coming?" Lachril voice sounded behind me. Today is the anniversary of Daenys and it's our tradition to spend the day in the skies, honoring her day with the dragons. And in a way, it's something that makes me feel closer to her.

Smiling gently, I turn back, seeing her and Idhrendir waiting for me by the garden door. "Yes, my sweet dragon." my voice soft and calm, taking the silver ring by the bedside table. I put the delicate ring that had the symbol of the House Targaryen on my finger and walk outside to where my children were waiting for me by the dragons.

Lachril and Idhrendir climb to their dragons, Daenerion and Arcturion. Lifting my hand, stroke softly Viseral warm scales "Ready for a ride, Mellon nin?" I asked a while climbing to his back, grabbing tightly the spikes on his back. Viseral let out a soft purr and shook his head, making me jump a little.

Looking to the side, I notice Lachril joking around with her twin brother. "When are you going to ask Tunniel's hand in marriage, Brother?" she said with a pleasing smirk on her lips, her violet eyes shining with mischief. Idhrendir roll his eyes and huff "Shut up, Lachril! Mind your own business!" he said with his cheeks turning red.

He and Tunniel have been spending some good time alone, going for long walks in the garden together or him playing some romantic melody for her. I and Istril have already made plans for a wedding in the future since the two young elves are almost inseparable.

"Lachril! Leave your brother alone. He will ask her when it's the right time." I said with a smirk, making her roll her eyes and murmuring something under her breath. Looking up to the bright blue sky "Well...Let's celebrate your Mother's Day!" with that Viseral jumps in the air, flying us into the beautiful blue sky. Lachril and Idhrendir were on each side, with gentle smiles on their faces.

They don't have a lot of memories of their mother but they said that they remember her gentle voice when she sang softs lullabies to them and how her laugh always made a pleasure sensation spread through their little bodies.

Closing my eyes softly, a sweet smile forms on my face. The fresh wind hitting on my face, the sunlight bathes us in warm and making my hair look more golden.

The sound of pure laugh and cheering made my smile grew bigger. Looking to the side, I see my children making loops and making huge dives in the air. They have your laugh, melleth nin...

Cleaning a small tear from my eye, I join them on the game making them squeal and trying to run from me. I lift my head and look too vast lands, seeing in the distance the monumental statue of Daenys and Drogon. I feel more tears trying to escape from my ocean blue eyes, my smile drops a little at the sight of her tomb.

Happy Birthday, My Dragon Queen! We will be reunited someday again...Im mel cin, melleth nin! (I love you, my love!) 

Hey Guys!! So here the final chapter. I hope you guys enjoyed this story as much I did! Feel free to comment and tell me what you think! Also, i will publish a new story tomorrow. it's called "The Bird Who Couldn't Sing" It's about a mute girl that grabbed the attention of a Norse God, Loki. The story will pass in Vikings era. So stay tuned for that!!


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