Seperation (1/2)

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You layed down on the bed trying to get comfortable. It is hard to get comfortable when you're in constant pain and are beint constantly watched by a man who confessed they wanted to be romantically involved with you. Come to think of it, you never really told Izuru how you felt. You simply just asked him questions and asked for a hug. It's awkaward now. You could have told him and you will once he comes into the room. Thinking back to how he confessed to you, you couldn't help but blush. It was somewhat a uncommon answer. You wanted nothing more at this point that to be with izuru and do things couples do. But two things were getting in the way, one you were unable to move and two you guys are living in a despair filled world. Well the second one wasn't too serious and the second one will be out of the way less than a year or hopefully in the span of four weeks.
You simply just layed there letting your body healed while your mind wandered.
You needed to pee again. You struggled once more to get up. Grunting and moaning in pain every once in a while. Finally you made it to the edge of the bed and scooted off. Slower than you did last time. You eased your body off of the bed, luckily gaining and keeping your balance. You eased your way to the closest wall and stumbled all the way to the bathroom. Once inside you opened the toilet seat and eased your bottom on the seat and slid off your shorts and (f/c) panties.
once done with your buisness you headed towards the living room and sat on the couch. You moved your legs onto the couch and laid your head on the couches arm. You heaved a heavy sigh, relaxed that you didn't have to move anymore. You locked your eyes on the door and waited for him to come in.
By time he came back your were asleep. It was night time so it was understandable. He sat your bag down and walked to your room, grabbing a blanket and bringing it back to the living room and covering you with it. He went back to your room and sat on the bed, looking out the window. "How boring." He mumbled.
It's been a whole seven weeks and you could move around again. Izuru even allowed you out of the apartment. You figured you guys had enough food. You went out for a walk without Izuru. He knew you were out, of course. He even made it his principles to follow behind you at times in case something were to happen.
You were just unlucky he had to come that day.
You were walking alomg the sidewalk, kicking some rocks and metal poles to entertain yourself. You didn't exactly know Izuru was following you. As you were walking you heard a noice to your right, in a alleyway. You turned your head and saw nothing but pure darkness. You shrugged it off and continued walking. The more you walked, the more you felt uneasy.
You should have turned back.
You kept walking and before you knew it, you were in a open field of demolished flower beds. You stopped walking taking in your surroundings. Out of nowhere the wind picked.
Or so you thought.
You looked up and saw a helicopter landing a good distance from you. You just stood there like a deer in headlights. The back hatch of the helicopter opened and out came...

Izuru Kamakura x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now