Grown issue's for teens

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I was in my room looking at a book cover I fount while looking around abandoned manga shop. I was lucky to come across a few and brought them back home. Izuru wasn't here when I brought them in, come to think of it, Izuru's been out more and more often nowadays. I flipped the book over and started reading the message on the back of the book. It was really a turn on. Family making...
When I was done with chapter 3, I was really flabbergasted. The manga was about a single women named Nina who, one night was saved by a rough werewolf from being raped by another werewolf in heat. Ever since that night she's been noticing him more often. He's been watching her because since he accidentally left his scent on her, making it look like she was his mate, other werewolves would come and try to take her. With a lot of struggling and effort they somehow managed to fall in love with each other in the middle of all of this. When all was done...for now... they settled down and tried for a baby. He somehow managed to impregnate Nina. There is a fifty fifty chance she could die from attempting to give birth to it. But nonetheless she was determined. That's all I got from the book so far. It's interesting on how I'm on chapter 3 and they were practically almost done with everything. I believe in you Nina. I heard the door open. I smiled, placing the book in a box and hiding it under my bed. I opened the door and saw Izuru just standing there, in the front door way. "Izuru?" I said, approaching him. He just looked blankly ahead. "What's wrong?" I asked. I placed a hand on his chest. He still didn't say anything. He grabbed my wrist and placed it down to my side. He walked around me and went into the room, closing and locking it. What just happened
For the past seven days Izuru would ignore me. We really about to do this over again? This time I won't run. I've learned the hard way to never run away from the problem. Today when Izuru comes in, I'm not going to let him walk away, I'll put my foot down.
I heard the door open and in came Izuru. He was about to walk into the room but I hoped off the bed and moved in front of him. Best to start this off simple so I don't agitate him too much. "Izuru, why have you been ignoring me?" I asked as sternly as possible. Nothing. "Izuru." I said. Tappping my feet against the floor. Nothing. At this point I'm not going to allow him to keep up this ridiculous attitude. Or whatever. "Please tell me. If it's any problem I want to assist you." I said. "Area." He said. "What?" I asked. "I have a situation in my area" he sighed. The fuck?!?! I looked down and saw a tent built up in his pants. Well. "what made you get like this?" I asked. I already had a feeling on what or who got him like this. "You." He said. Called it. I'm just gonna play dumb so I can get out of this situation without anything happening. I hope he falls for it. It's like a twenty five out of one hundred of him falling for it. I don't know how far his intelligence goes when it comes to the human pheromones or hormones or what not.
"Well I think you should ask another boy on how to get rid of it I suppose. Other boys might know how to get rid of it." I said. He said nothing. He just stared at me. Is this his hormones starting to take effect? I hope not. I stepped back, turned around and walked to my room. I closed and locked it. I walked over to my bed, flopped on it, face first in my sheets.

'What will happen from this point on?'

Izuru Kamakura x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now