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After the whole kissing incident Izuru locked himself away for a whole three days. When he came out he ignored me for a day and then he started to get clingy to me. Whenever someone would  approach me he would pull me into his chest and glare daggers at them. Especially with Makoto for some reason. Yesterday when me and Makoto was in the lobby of future foundation trying to find the 'warriors of hope'. Makoto accidentally dropped his pencil and it unfortunately landed near my ankle. He reached down and his knuckles brushed against my ankle and then he went flying to a wall. I looked up and saw Izuru holding Makoto up against the wall by his throat. I managed to get Izuru to back off and helped Makoto out, I mean he was practically about to be strangled by the ultimate hope. I was patting Makoto's back while he coughed for air. I glanced behind me and saw Izuru staring emotionlessly at me. I gulped and turned back to Makoto. He was still coughing up a storm. When he was done, he glanced at Izuru and saw...something that terrified him because after that he jumped up and said see ya and left out. I stared at the door he left out of for ten seconds. Then I felt a incredibly cold chill go down my spine. I slowly turned around and saw Izuru right behind me, staring at me, looking somewhat irritated. I tried to walk out but he grabbed my wrist and before I knew it I was up on his chest with his lips on mine. He held a tight grip on me.
I am now in my apartment reading a book I found in a abandoned apartment on the west of my apartment. Izuru was beside me watching me like a hawk. It's been getting creepy. I guess I should have been more cautious of my actions otherwise his creepy habit of watching me wouldn't have resurfaced. Now that I think about I don't think this habit was ever buried in the first place. I glanced at him...yep, staring at me. I sighed. "Is there something wrong Izuru?" I asked, getting creeped out more. He shook his head. Liar. "Are you sure?" I asked. He nodded. "Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked. "I cannot allow you out of my sites. Something could happen to you." He said, he did make a point. My hand traveled to my abdomen, remembering the scar I got. He followed my hand. He said nothing but it was obvious he was worried about me.
Izuru makes me remember about my father. When I was very young, I scraped my knee on the concrete when I tried to ride a bike without training weels. After that my father made me stay home for two days, I missed two days of school because of that. He never let me ride a bike again even with training weels.
Izuru reminds me of him.
I looked up at him. I closed and put the book on the arm of the couch and scooted closer. I wrapped  my arms around him and placed my head on his chest. I squeezed. "Thank you Izuru. I appreciate you watching over me." I said. Blushing. I unwrapped my arms, quickly kissed his cheek and scooted away. I picked up my book and continued reading. My blush got worse when I realized I just did that. I tried to ignore his eyes on me. His red, glowing radar eyes.
It's been nearly five minutes and he was still there. I cleared my throat. "Y-you hungry?" I asked. He didn't say anything. Instead he moved closer. I stood up. "Welp, I'm hungry!" I declared. He looked at me. I walked off into the kitchen looking for something to eat. In all honesty I wasn't hungry. I just made up a excuse to get away for a bit. I tensed when I felt his hands wrap around my waist. "You're lying." He said. "What...w-what do you mean?" I asked,nervously. He didn't say anything. He picked me up bridal style. "H-hey!" I yelped. He walked back into the living room, placing me back down on my spot on the couch. He sat beside me a lot closer than before. "I don't like it when you lie to me." He said. I gulped. "S-sorry..." I mumbled. "So you admit it." He said.
My blush deepened. I hid my face in the palm of my hand and internally screamed. I felt hands grip my wrists and gently pulled them away from my face. "You're blushing." He stated. Obviously. "Are you mad?" I asked. He took a moment. "I'll let it slide this time." He said. "...o...okay." i said. "Good." He said befor leaning in. Our lips made contact and we moved them in sync. He pulled away a bit. "Part your lips." He instructed. I looked at him for a moment and parted my lips and he kisesed me again but this time he inserted his tongue in my mouth. HOLY MARGARET!!!!! For the past minute we had a heated make out session. He pulled away so we both could breath. He panted. I panted.
We both pulled away at the sound of knocking at the door. Izuru got off me and I made my way to the door and opened it. Aoi was here with her T-shirt on and some really short shorts. "Hey (y/n)!" She cheered. "Hello, Aoi." I started. "What brings you here?" I asked. Shs giggled.

"Well, me and you need to have a chat..."

Izuru Kamakura x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now