Lemon (1/2)

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*Lemon Warning in part 2 of lemon *

When Izuru presented me his "problem" that was two days ago. I've decided to lock myself away until he deals with that. I feel terrified in a sense. He could just take me when ever he pleased. Which is pretty much every second of the day. That thought alone scared me. Luckily so far he hasn't done anything. I would try my best to sneak out my room to use the bathroom and get food. But for the most part Izuru just is on the couch, his problem getting worse by the day. For some reason he never asked for help or advice from another male. If there were any left.
I'm in my room now reading my yaoi. These really are cool. How does someone draw so amazingly? I jumped at the sound of knocking at my bedroom door. I closed my book and walked over to the door. I cracked it open to see a suit. Welp. "Hey,Izuru." I said, nervously. He said nothing. I could feel him looking down at me. I felt like I was on fire. I tried to close the door but he slipped his hand through and held the door open from my side. My heart picked up speed. I used a lot more force but the door didn't budge. "Izuru please let go of the door." I said getting desperate. This situation reminded me of the book I'm reading. A wolf barged into Nina and Jacob's home and desperately tried to break into their daughter's room, she was 18. The wolf wanted to mate with her because he was in heat for a unknown amount of days. He had picked up her pheromones. When he broke in she remembered him as one of her classmates in college who hadn't been there for a unknown number of days. He was a jock looking guy but was actually a nerd. He had a crush and obsession with her. Eventually she gave in. It wasn't like she could have done anything, her parents were out doing...stuff.
This situation seems like that in so many shapes and forms. If Izuru were to get in here, I'll be unable to do anything to prevent anything from happening. All I could do would give in to him...
With all my strength I pushed my body against the door, catching Izuru way off guard that I managed to slam the door nearly shut. Stopping by his fingers. I released the door from my bodies grip and dashed for the window. I heard the door open. I slammed the window open and climbed through, grabbing a old water pipe and slide down. When I reached the bottom I intensely blew on my fingers, I should have thought this through. I looked up and saw Izuru about to dp some impossible sh**. I'm not staying around finding out what he about to do. I ran off into the apartment stairs again and bolted into a random room, #17. The room was a reck. Mirror shards almost everywhere, photos ruined, pottery and furniture all ofer the floor, the windows didn't even have glass in them, the sour cream wallpaper was ripped up, occasionally there were claw marks in them.
I peaked into the kitchen. Nowhere to hide. I peaked into the bathroom. I could hide in the shower-no, too predictable. I peaked into the bedroom. The closet didn't have a door but there was a lot of rubble I could hide under. I could also hide under the bed. I huffed. I'll hide under the bed. I shuffled under the bed. There wasn't much room under here but it'll have to do.
I don't know how long I've been under here for, maybe five minutes or so, I didn't know. During this time I also had started feeling my legs going numb. This wasn't good. If Izuru found me then I couldn't make a run for it but if I leave now he'll find me. I don't know what to do. I heard noices from...somewhere. I can't pinpoint it. I held my breath... nothing. I heaved a sigh. Just as I let sighed I was pulled up from the bed. "Ah!" I yelped. I was being held up by hands under my armpits. I looked down. Izuru. I wanted ever so badly to struggle but my legs weren't awake so even if I managed to get free from his grip I'd only be on the ground trying to get away.
"Predictable." He sighed. "Eh?" I asked. "It was obvious you were under there. I Just waited for you to be unable to move for a while." He said. He knew. He is and always will be a smarter than me.
He carried me all the way back to the apartment room we had. I was slung over his shoulder. This was embarrassing. "Izuru?" I called. He hummed. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked. He thought of his next words carefully.

(Pick which one)

"Make love to you."
"Take care of the situation."
"Take you"
"Mark your body."
"Satisfy my urges"

My body got hot over his words. Wow. He truly needs to stop being so straight forward. It is a honor at times and in cases like this I wish he would prep me for it.

Welp, looks like I'll no longer be innocent after tonight.

Izuru Kamakura x reader (female)Where stories live. Discover now