It's Always Anti

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Anti sat himself up on the roof of the city's clock tower, dangling his feet over the edge like a kid. 

"Fucking pricks" he grumbled, "Thinking they can control me like I'm some sort of wild animal. Fuck them. Didn't even mean to do it that time. Pft"

Of course there were times Anti DID mean to cause chaos. He wasn't innocent in the slightest. He had tormented the other egos, possessed most of them and hurt a lot of people physically and emotionally. He remembered robbing a convenience store one time, stealing the money AND a bunch of food, threatening the clerk at knife-point. Jackie, of course, knew it was him and forced his way into his room to re-take all the stolen goods.

Jackie always ruined his fun. 

So he had started trying to have fun with Jackie. His new game was similar to tag or at least to see how far Anti could get running from him. Yesterday was a slip-up.

He had robbed many places, caused power outages and kidnapped various innocent people. . . .but Jackie was always there to save the day and stop him.

Sometimes Anti felt remorse but that was a fleeting thought at best. He just wanted to have some fun but no one wanted to be around him. So causing trouble was the next best thing. He had been doing it for so long, Anti couldn't see any other way to smile than seeing someone else scowl at him.

Anti looked down at the street below him, watching people walk up and down and back and forth. He didn't understand it. He didn't understand people. Why waste such precious time in life? Why keep going when you don't have anything to live for?

He knew the feeling. He knew he was different than all of the other successful egos. Even Chase was better than him.

He growled at the thought and anger started to consume him. His eyes turned pitch and he started to glitch out a little, making the clock move slightly quicker.

"Better watch your temper" a familiar voice sounded behind him, "They'll come to tranquilize you"

Anti tensed at the sound. He knew that voice and he just barely shivered as he calmed down. He wouldn't let him see him in a weak moment. Never again.

Anti stood up and turned to see his enemy in a black suit and red tie. A small smile on his face.

"The fuck do you want, D̶a̴r̶k̵?"


Jackie had dressed up casually for the day before he had left for the doctor's office. He didn't want people to see the city hero having to come to the doctor, after all.

When he pulled up to the small building, he got out of the car and came up to the door. The glass door had the names written on it of which doctors were there and he smiled a little when he saw the other ego's name.

Jackie walked in and gave the secretary his information before sitting down and waiting. Once he was called by a nurse, it was standard procedure from there that he spoke about his shoulder bothering him and she wrote down the information.

"Alright, Doctor Schneeplestein will be in to see your shortly, Jackie"

"Thanks, mam"

He waited a while.

And he waited some more.

Finally after about ten minutes, he started to get worried. Perhaps he shouldn't have come?

He then started to hear voices on the other side of the door. It sounded like a male arguing with the nurse, "Sandra, you don't understand. I can't see him. He'll have to see Dr. Edwards or someone else" there was that familiar German accent.

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