The Void's Game

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As soon as Henrik rushed through the void portal, he almost regretted coming in alone. Everywhere he looked was just pitch black and as he whipped around to look behind him where he came, the portal was gone. It was just him.

Already, he felt as if he were going crazy.

'Oh I see now. What have I done?! Now I'm stuck here and Anti won't come. I have to find a way-'

The ringing was already getting to him. So soft and faint yet it was so blaring with the silence surrounding him.

He started to panic and he hadn't even been in there for five minutes! How had Anti survived for eight hours!?

Henrik was losing it and without thinking, he just started running, hoping to run into something. He still held strong on the idea that Olivia was there. As long as he believed that and kept her face in his head, it'd keep him somewhat sane.

'So stupid, Schneeplestein!' he thought to himself, 'Vhat have you done to yourself!? And she's not even here! I was wrong! Olivia. . . .?'

A voice suddenly called out to him, making the good doctor stop in his tracks.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look!"


Meanwhile Anti already knew he made a big mistake. The void seemed to recognize him and started to taunt him with visions immediately. Everywhere he looked was darkness but in his mind, his eyes saw memories he wished he could forget.

'Because this is what the void does' he thought to himself, 'It toys with you. The void and Dark have a lot in common. I need to find Henrik. The void has different properties of space and time but hopefully I'm not too far behind him'

"̴Y̶o̴u̶'̴l̸l̷ ̸a̴l̷w̵a̸y̷s̵ ̶b̷e̴ ̶b̶e̸h̴i̸n̷d̸,̸ ̶A̴n̵t̴i̷"̵

The glitch stilled and turned but didn't see anyone there. He remembered he had his powers this time and made himself glow green, glitching softly. He stared into the darkness where he heard the voice but shrugged it off, 'It's just messing with me like before. I won't let it get to me this time'

 When he turned, however, a man who looked to be Sean appeared in front of him. Anti flinched but the being just smiled eerily. It wasn't Sean. It was himself. What he used to be, anyways. It grinned at him.

"̴Y̶o̸u̴'̸l̶l̵ ̷a̷l̵w̷a̵y̸s̵ ̵b̴e̷ ̵l̶e̴f̴t̷ ̶b̴e̷h̷i̸n̷d̴.̶ ̸Y̴o̴u̷ ̴k̶n̶o̴w̸ ̷y̴o̸u̶'̴r̶e̵ ̸n̶o̴t̷h̶i̴n̷g̶ ̵t̸o̸ ̵t̷h̷e̵m̶.̵ ̷E̸v̶e̶n̵ ̴H̷e̷n̶r̷i̴k̶ ̸w̷a̷s̴ ̸j̸u̷s̴t̶ ̴u̶s̶i̵n̵g̵ ̶y̷o̶u̶ ̸f̷o̸r̷ ̵h̴i̷s̴ ̸o̷w̸n̵ ̶g̵a̴i̵n̶"̷

"That's not true!" Anti yelled at it, "What the f̵u̶c̸k̸ are you!?"

The creature smirked but disappeared into the darkness, leaving Anti alone once more. He cringed when the ringing became louder and he tried to cover his ears but it didn't help. Anti closed his eyes to try and brace himself back to go looking for Henrik again but when he opened his eyes, he was in a completely different place. 

He was home. 

Anti looked around and recognized the Septic house clearly. He knew he was still in the void, though. It wanted to torment him again like before.

"No, stop! Leave us alone! Where are they!?"

Anti whirled around to see Chase at the other end of the hall backing away from something. The hall was glowing a strange red color. Chase looked terrified, "What do you want from me!?"

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