Anti's Conscience

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Anti stared at his hands deep in thought for a few seconds before clenching his fists and staring at the door that led 'outside'.

Even though it wasn't actually real, the winds seemed harsh and he could already feel the cold drifting in slightly through the thin window pane. It looked just damn uncomfortable plus he didn't have any winter gear and he had to run through that blizzard? His mind was already trying to coax him out of it.

"What part of 'you don't have much time' didn't you understand?" Damien's low voice brought him out of his thoughts. Anti looked over to him wide-eyed.

"You said you cared about him. So are you going to help him or not?"

"Of course I f̴o̷o̴k̷i̷n̴g̴ am! But I don't have no winter gear or anything! I'll get frostbite or somethin'"

The man glowed a dull blue light from him and narrowed his eyes, staring at him as if he were stupid, "Did. . . .did you forget where we are? We're not ACTUALLY in a blizzard, Anti! As long as you believe you're not in a snowstorm, then you won't feel it!"

"Easy for you to say! You've had practice!"

Damien sighed, "Tell you what, I'll give you a boost" with a swift movement, he suddenly pushed Anti out the door outside of the cabin.

"̸W̴h̶a̸-̶!̴ ̵H̴e̶y̴!̷"̷

From the window, Anti could see Damien smiling and waving at him, "Just remember to hurry! Time is NOT on our side! And your own memories could still haunt you out there if you're not careful! Good luck!"

With a light scoff, Anti turned towards the forest, feeling the wet snow's cold creep through his pants and into his socks.

"Fooking asshole." Anti mumbled, "So that's where Dark gets it from. Thought it was Celine."

With one last glance at the cabin, Anti shook off the cold and let a some sparks fling from him. It was dark out with the only light coming from Damien's cabin.

But Anti had to remember that Damien was right. This place wasn't real. There was no snow, no cold or wind. No actual cabin, forest or lake. It was just all one big illusion created by the void. It was ALL the void. As he started his walk up to the treeline of the forest, he took a deep breathe, ignoring how his breathe became visible. Anti closed his eyes. His heart started to pound in his chest.

'It's alright' he thought to himself, 'It's just like the forest outside of town by the Septic house. I've been in there loads of times.'

He was reminded of the incident that first led to Sean forcing him into the void in the first place.

It seemed like so long ago now. 

He wasn't trying to create chaos that day. He just wanted to see how high he could glitch up into the trees. Unfortunately, his glitching caused sparks to fly and caught a tree on fire. Sparks had also destroyed a nearby power-line causing a power-line to fall into traffic in the nearby freeway. Not to mention that the one tree on fire led to many more on fire.

Anti shook his head, 'I'm not really that guy anymore. . .I don't think. I never meant for that to happen that day just as I didn't mean to fuck up Mark's computer the next. But I did manage to glitch up those trees pretty far. . . .Maybe being higher up it will be less cold?'

Taking a running start through the heavy snow, Anti lifting his feet up as to not slip up and glitch up to a low branch. Hanging on tight, he eyed another branch on another nearby tree and swung over to it, glitching.

He did this a few more times, realizing it wasn't as bad as getting his feet cold in the snow.

'Fook, I'm a regular George of the fooking Jungle out here!' he smirked to himself.

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