The Hero of the Family

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Anti woke up the the smell of coffee. Sniffing the air with his eyes still closed, he stretched. He vaguely could feel someone's arm around him but didn't really mind all that much in his sleepiness.

Then he could hear voices mumbling and talking quietly.

Our of irritation, he finally opened his eyes. Most of the Septic Egos were gone from the couch but Anti looked up to see he was still held by Jackie and Chase. Sometime during the night, they re-situated themselves and Chase was lying behind him on the couch cuddling him like a teddy bear while Jackie was lying opposite of them. Somehow, though, they were both in his lap even if just their legs. Groaning lightly, Anti cracked his back and stretched upwards to get out of their grasp as quietly as possible.

But that was in vain, "Anti? You awake lil bro?"

Anti wanted to hiss at the nickname but was still too drowsy to respond with his usual sass.

His back cracked again and he shuffled away from Chase. The father merely pat his back with a smile, "I smell coffee. Go get some, dude. You clearly need it"

Jackie's eye cracked open at the very mention of the dirty bean water and he unconsciously licked his lips and stretched as well, "I'll come with."

"Aw, leaving me all alone" Chase mumbled, "And cold"

"Get up then" Anti playfully flicked his forehead before trotting off to the Iplier kitchen.

"Ow! Little fuck"

As he walked away, he could hear Jackie getting up, too and snorting, "Someone's feeling back to themselves"

"Brats, the lot of ya" Chase commented.

Once Anti finally made his way into the kitchen, he was surprised to see so many people in there all strewn about. All of the Iplier egos and the rest of the Septics were standing around, leaning on counters or walls chatting happily together. 

No one seemed to see him but he was okay with that for the moment. He needed coffee. Nudging through people to get to the coffee machine, he finally broke through to see someone already standing in front of it finishing the pot. He was about to grumble until the bastard turned around.

Almost everyone went quiet, watching the interaction.

Dark took the last cup of coffee and was now staring at Anti seemingly caught off guard.

Anti was no better, however, but for a different reason. It had been a while since he had seen Dark in regular clothing but wearing an Unus Annus shirt? He looked so  . . . .  normal. Besides the cane in his other hand. Weird.

"Dark." Anti acknowledged.

He could hear Jackie behind him snort, "Smooth"

Anti elbowed him making the hero grunt softly.

"Anti" Dark nodded in response, "I see you're back to normal"

"Just as smooth" Wilford giggled lightly only to be completely ignored.

"You too. Feeling . . .̸b̶e̵t̶t̸e̸r̸?̸"̷

He nodded, "Yes. I am. Thank you"

"The two stared at each other in silence. Both oblivious as to what to do next. Perhaps they should just hug it out already?" the Host said blandly in his narrating voice.

Anti's eyes widened and he bit his lip. Things couldn't get more awkward here.

Dark sighed, sensing the atmosphere, "I mean it Anti. Thank you. If it hadn't been for you, I'd be dead. A lot of people would be dead. I owe you my life, my friend" with a minuscule smile, Dark offered his cup of coffee to him.

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