Wake Up, Dark!

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Anti was getting the hang of running through the snow now. He tried not to glitch anymore just in case he went see-through again. He really didn't have much time left. 

'Of course Wilford was wrong! I should have known! But it doesn't matter now. There's no turning back'

The trees were started to get a bit scarcer and finally, he approached a small cliff above the frozen lake. Finally.

The blizzard was still at large and even worse now. In the center of the lake and the eye of the storm was Dark being held captive for the void to use. Anti couldn't see him anymore through the snow but he knew he was there.

"̴D̴A̴R̵K̷?̷!" he called out but that was futile. He had to get closer to him.


Dark was trapped in his own head. Looping memories danced around like taunting demons.

It was when 'another' Anti appeared into the fray that he was starting to think something different was happening. Anti's voice echoed out. He could see him within the memories he wasn't even there for.

'What's happening?' he thought, 'He shouldn't be here. Don't tell me-'

Anti stared at Dark as the memory of him stared at the mirror in tears.

'He's in the void? He's really here? But why? What's the point? What does he get out of it?'

Memories skipped around like wildfire and when he saw the present Anti at his memory of the party, his guilt rose. He didn't deserve Anti's help. He didn't deserve anyone's help. He deserved to suffer. 

The loop started over with hand-picked memories and Dark watched in a daze as Anti ran through the insanity of it all.

Then Damien suddenly appeared, talking to Anti in that same cryptic way he had before. He was so much like Celine and he never realized it. Always so vague.

They teleported into his office. It was a random memory of him sitting at his desk. He was looking down in the drawer at the picture he kept hidden.

Anti walked around to see what he was looking at. 

Dark didn't understand the look Anti had in his eyes. 

"He kept it" he said.

'Of course I kept it. . . .  we were. . . I thought we were. . . But I couldn't allow myself to feel. What I thought would happen. . . .I hurt you'

"He'd look in that drawer more often than he'd admit." Damien said, "Even if the void hated it, it couldn't dissuade him from not hating you. He could never really hate you, Anti. No matter what he ever said to you, you were his friend. Not even the void could come between that"

"̶H̶m̵p̶h̸"̸ Anti huffed a little with a smirk, "Gonna hang this over his head so ̶f̸o̵o̴k̸i̵n̵g̴ hard when we get out of here, the s̴m̵u̸g̴ ̵b̷a̴s̵t̸a̷r̷d̸"

Dark chuckled at that, knowing Anti would do just that but his emotions hung over him still like a dark cloud.

'Why would Anti care? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm useless to him. Was never even a good friend.'

"So what's your answer, Anti?"

"̵B̷y̴ ̷J̸a̸y̷s̶u̵s̷!̸"̵ ̸Anti cursed, "Fine. Fine. Y-"

Suddenly everything was cut off.

He was in darkness once more. 

The feeling of his energy leaving him was prominent as if his soul was being sucked out of him. But that couldn't be right, could it? What soul? Surely he didn't have one . . . .  that's why he was merely an amalgamation of two other people. Or whatever was left of them.

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