Chase's Drunk Tongue

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Chase was in his old room sitting on the edge of the bed. It was early but he didn't mind. He was already clothed, having showered the night before. Thoughts were a little hazy to him at the moment but he had a memory he kept going back to.

In his hand, he held a small picture that he always kept in his wallet. He flipped it back and forth with his fingers in one hand and he held his flask in the other. He knew it was way too early to start drinking but he didn't care. He never did.

Today was the anniversary of when he moved out two years ago.

He self-consciously touched the scar on his stomach, trailing a finger up and down the tissue. 

Chase really didn't know why he came back. Why come back after what he did to him? It made no sense, really.

Because he really didn't just come for Anti. He felt bad for that part but it was true. He returned for a different reason that not even Jameson knew about.

He flipped the picture in his hand again and smiled sadly.

'Haven't seen them in so long.' he thought, 'They're turning six in a couple days. . . .  but she-'

Chase felt a small flicker of hate swell inside of him but as soon as it appeared, he forced it away. No, he couldn't fault her for taking them away. It needed to happen. Clearly Chase wasn't okay mentally and it was for the safety of the kids. 

'But now she came back into town' he bit his lip anxiously.

He had been following her on social media for a while incognito and he knew it was a creepy thing to do but it was the only way he'd ever find out how his kids were doing.

After what he did.

Chase took another swig of the dangerous liquid.

He remembered how all the problems with his marriage started and at first he blamed everyone but himself. He blamed Anti most of all after what happened at that party. That was the beginning of it all.

But he knew none of his marriage problems had nothing to do with the glitch no matter how many times he wished it did. Things would be easier then, for him. It'd be so much easier to blame it all on someone else.

Chase suddenly felt a smile creep on his face but it wasn't out of happiness. It was more of an ironic smile.

'I have to see them again.  . . . just one more time. . . . she's leaving again soon with them'


It seemed as though Anti was finally getting better. It had been about a month since the void incident but he was recovering nicely. He kept the nightlight on all the time but there was nothing wrong with that as long as he was less afraid of the dark.

Sean couldn't stop thinking about Anti, honestly. 

The glitch had his faults but he was finally starting to see the good in him. Not just the trouble-making asshole but also as the misunderstood 'baby brother' of the group and really he was. Anti could boast and hiss all he wanted but he was just as soft as the rest of them. Of course he'd never admit it but Sean could see it now.

That's why he had a little surprise in the car with him as he drove on his way to the Septic house. He knew Anti would adore the visit and he was hoping he'd get to see the glitch smile today.

As Sean parked in the driveway, he picked up the crate and walked up to the door with it.

Meanwhile, Chase was in the living room now and heard the knock on the door. Lazily, he pulled himself up, wobbling just a little to go answer it as Jameson watched him curiously.

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