Chapter 1 sending you away

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I was cleaning my room up collecting all the dirty clothes on the floor and putting it in the dirty washing pile huffing. So if you didn't know I'm a lesbian and living in a very religious and very homophobic family isn't the best thing that could have possibly happened. But anyway heres the crack my parents found out about my secret girlfriend Mia well more like caught us getting 'busy' and they were mortified. Now I'm not allowed to see her anymore and they said they are still deciding what they want to do with me. In other words trying to find away to fix me. Isn't this just great! I was in the middle of making my bed when i was called down "BLAKELYYY! COME DOWN WE WANT A TALK!!!"  I roll my eyes letting out a sigh full of annoyance as i head downstairs to find my mum and dad sitting on the sofa both gripping onto each others hands acting as if the priest told them they are going to hell when there time comes. Am i that bad? Do i scare them? Do they think I'm going to turn them gay? They gesture for me to sit on the leather seat that made it feel like i was sitting on snow have they not turned the heaters on? My dad looked at mum before turning back my way my mum sniffling a bit. "So...." he started off. "Me and your mum have decided to send you away for a couple of months..."
"Really you are sending me away? And let me guess is it because i like girls?" I say in disbelief they were actually going to send me away because of my sexuality? What dickheads, to be honest i think i want to go i don't really feel welcome anymore. "Yes we are sending you to a church in the country you will stay there and the priest will teach you the ways of god and will fix you we are taking you tomorrow so pack up and get everything ready ok?"
"Ok" i say just above a whisper and without another word being said i go back upstairs. I get my suitcase and pack up almost all of my clothes sneaking some of my other 'things' that i managed to buy behind my mum and dads back. I set my alarm clock before going to sleep this place is a dump anyway I'm glad I'm leaving.....    


I heard the loud violent beeping of my alarm clock pulling the pillow over my head groaning. Uuugghhhh its to early in the morning for this i get up and do my morning routine which I'm not going to go into massive detail into because its just boring. After i got dressed into a plain top and jeans i go downstairs with my suitcase and grab a bowl, having some cereal. About 5 minutes later my mum and dad got up and got ready. And set off checking the time it was about 8 o'clock. I shouldn't even be up if they think I'm staying awake until we get there they thought wrong. I put my headphones in and started playing a random playlist the first song being i kissed a girl by Katie Perry. Ha! Perfect i started to sing the lyrics out loud on purpose to annoy my parents well it was the last opportunity. "I kissed a girl and i liked ittt! The taste of her cherry chapstick!!" I sing as loudly as i can and i see my dad glaring at me through the review mirror when he stopped at a red light which made me laugh they know i want there reaction so why do they give it to me? After the song ends i rest my head back and go to sleep for the rest of the car journey my parents thankful i was singing 'sinful' songs anymore.


Im suddenly awoken by somebody shaking me my eyes slowly open and saw my mum walking away i don't think she knew i saw her rubbing her hand on her jeans after she touched me. It made me feel a pang of pain shoot straight to my heart. Am i really that disgusting? I just shoo the thought to the side and get out stretching taking in the air which instantly made me regret taking such a deep breath as the only smell that filled my nostrils was the smell of cow shit. Thats fucking pleasant. I voice my opinion "what the fuck is that horrible smell!" Only to be clipped around the ear i turn around to not be met by the site of my mum but an old man frowning at me wearing a white robe type thing he also had a very big frown and thats when i realised oops this is the priest. "How dare you speak with a foul mouth on the land of god!" He said with a bit of a dramatic voice if I'm being honest with you i just stared at him with an am i bothered face my parents continuously apologising. How pathetic he is just an old man. "So i guess you are the one who as the magical power to 'cure' me?" I ask sarcastically putting quotation marks around cure because as if he is going to be able to make me straight. What is he planning is he some kind of pedo who claims his old saggy sad excuse of a dick is going to make me straight lol. He just lifts a brow at me. "You do not talk to me like that now let me show you to your room." My parents gave me my suitcase and followed close behind as we entered the church we were immediately met with all the benches and coloured glass windows showing the story of Jesus. The ceiling was high going into a point at the far end. I hate church but i would be lying if i said i didn't find the architecture impressive. We turn a sharp right and are met with a door near where the baby's get baptised. He opens the door and we are met with a set of stairs that we start to make our way up until we are met with a spiral until we are met with a corridor with numerous doors. "This is where all the other girls sleep they are busy right now so you will meet them later." We go to the end of the hall and he opens the door the room was very plane it had creamy white walls dark oak brown floor boards that moaned in complaint as we walked into the room there was a window on the left side of the wall showing a view of the churches garden and thats where i saw a girl tending the flowers her luscious brown hair waving slightly in the wind i could hardly tell her face but i knew she was gorgeous even from here i just imagined what she would look like up close, what she sounded like wondered how soft her lips may feel. But suddenly I'm interrupted by the priests voice "this is going to be your room you are not allowed out at 10 o'clock there is a door there." he points to another door in the room that is the bathroom and with that he left me to unpack my parents saying goodbye and leaving me on my own. I go back to the window i see the girl has gone. It hasn't even started but i cant tell these couple of months are going to be interesting i say with a devilish smirk playing on my lips as i got to unpack putting my clothes in the draws provided for me.


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