Chapter 11 hey

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Today i woke up really late i didn't have the motivation to get up well lets just face it i wasn't waking up to an angelic face was i i was waking up to the sight of my wardrobe. No offence to the wardrobe like. But anyway here is the crack. I i have decided to run away i am going to go back to the church and stay there for good. I just cant live without Nava and i certainly don't want to stay here. I already have a little bag ready with the stuff i actually need like my tooth brush, pants bras and clothes also a hair brush cant have a bad hair day now can we? My parents had went out and locked all the doors and windows but do they think that is going to stop this gurl? Helll nawww! I don't have any heels so i go into my mums and dads bedroom and get one of my mums black heels i then go to the living room and get the end of the heel smashing it into the window and it breaks. But then the alarm starts to go off. Shit! I rush to the little box by the front door and put in a pin to stop the alarm from going off. I get the bag and climb out the window then get my phone put my pocket and text Nava.

Me: dont worry peach im on my way xxx

Nava: what do you mean?

But i don't reply i just smile to myself and put my phone back into my pocket. So my parents are going to be back in a couple of hours so my plan is to walk out of this town and then call a taxi alll the way back to the church and obviously this would cost money that i haven't got so i stole my dads emergency credit card. Oops... I started to make my way out giving everything an actual look. Im not coming back... ever...


Now i was in the next town and i had called a taxi that i only had to wait 2 minutes for once it gets to where i am (which was outside of an ice cream shop) i hop in and tell the driver where I'm heading to. Wow i cant believe im actually doing this my parents are actually going to kill me lol..

It had been ages and we finally arrive at the church i pay the driver and sneak into the church and up the familiar stairs to where the bedrooms were. I knock on Navas door and she opens it suddenly attacking me with a massive hug and pulls me into her bedroom and shuts locking the door. She was now crying into my arms. Fuck i missed her so much. "How did you get back? Have your parents changed there mind?" And that question made me grin a bit and its as if my princess read my thoughts. "You ran away!?" I nod my grin becoming evident on my face and she just giggles. But she is silenced when i crash my lips onto hers into a deep passionate kiss that only turned out to be teeth and tongue. We suddenly heard a knock at the door and we freeze looking at the door. "Who is that?" I say just above a whisper
Nava goes over and answers it to which Skyler and Maisy barge last her and both gasp and run over to me hugging me. "Oh my god you came back!" It must have been all the moving around that stirred the priest but we hear him clear his throat and we all freeze looking at him and then buddy comes rushing in barking like mad. "Blakely. What are you doing here?" The priest says lifting a brow. And thats when i decide to confront him.
"Father... i would like to stay here i dont want to go back with my parents i feel unwelcome and i dont think i could love with out my baby girl." The priest just smiles.
"Well your parents are here if you want to stay your going have to confront them about it..." i frown.
"They are down stairs." I take Nava with me and we go down to confront my parents.


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