Chapter 2 meet the girls

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I close the draw and put my suitcase under the bed. There is no point in keeping it out im going to be here for a while while. Then i decided to take an actual good look at the church. My door creaks as i open and shut it making my way down the long corridor and down the stairs. I exit through the front and go around the back to where i first saw the love of my life. God i haven't even met her yet and I'm already obsessing over her like a psycho. I walk through the garden it was actually a very nice day the sun was out lighting up the baby blue skies not leaving a cloud in sight. The enticing aroma of the roses rap around me like a comfort blanket. To say the least gardens are my element. I come up to another building this must be where the living space and things are. I open the door to be met with a living room, kitchen and diner place. On the left side was the living room the wooden floor boards were shining a fluffy ice blue rug settled on the floor there was a picture of god holding baby Jesus above a fire place that was facing brown leather L shaped sofa the flat screen tv in the corner by the window. This is posh. Then there is the diner it has a long table a chandelier dangling from the ceiling in the middle and a table cloth covering it and on the right side of the rectangular building was the kitchen it was massive with black marble sides and a kitchen island. That was my dream kitchen it just looks so... cool... I sit myself on the sofa as nobody was around when i hear the door to the building open. And there she was but with a blonde haired girl. They both wore a frown probably not knowing who i am i get up holding out my hand to greet them. "Oh hi you must be confused I've been moved hear because of my parents I'm Blakely." I say with i smirk winking at the girl with the luscious brown hair who takes my hand shaking it firmly. "Firm hand shake. I like that. Your dad teach you?" I say still wearing my smirk the blonde girl just watching it all unravel in front of her. "Nice to meet you I'm Nava." Ahhh so her name is Nava, pretty name. Then the blonde girl speaks up. "And I'm Skyler" i take her hand and shake it too and go to sit back down me ending up in the middle the 2 girls taking more than just a little interest into me and thats when the questions began.


Skyler starts it off. "So why are you here?" She says twirling a strand of her hair on her finger. She wasn't even trying to hide the fact she liked me. She has only just looked at me god! Well.... i guess i cant say much can i. But still!

"Because my parents caught me on top of my girlfriend." This made Skyler shuffle closer to me putting her hand on my leg the one i actually like keeping her distance playing with her thumbs. Nava must have felt my eyes on her because she looks up giving me a little shy smile. "So your the shy one huh?" I say cocking my head to the side a bit she just nods a light dust of pink now decorating her cute cheeks. Aahhh she is sooo fucking cutteee! "So are you still with your girlfriend or did you have to break up?" Skyler continues to press for more answers about my life.
"Well i had to break up with her but i guess our relationship wasn't that big of a deal anyway so its all good." I say wearing a gentle smile now focusing back on Skyler. "Do you want us to show you around and then you can meet Maisy as well!" Skyler asks pretty excitedly i just giggle nodding my head and so she drags me and Nava back to the church showing me around i walk behind Skyler next to Nava. "She is very energetic isn't she?" I say looking at her i hear the cutest giggle escape her lips that must have been a gift from the angels. "Yeah well wait until you meet the other one."
"Im guessing she is even more energetic?" I ask her giving me a little nod.
"Is your hair naturally black its really nice." I chuckle nodding at her comment well at least i know my hair looks good. Skyler shows me whos room is who. Navas being the one you get to right before my and skylers being next to Navas and Maisys is opposite Skylers. We knock on the door and i ginger haired girl with freckles answers the door with a bright smile. "Oh hey! You must be the new girl right?" She says keeping her bright smile. I nod confirming I'm the new girl "call me Blakely." She lets us in her walls are painted a bright yellow her floor boards are white and the curtains are rainbow the draws had smiley suns painted on them. It reminded you just like a little girls room. We sit on her bed and get talking until we are called down for tea. We rush down Skyler still clinging onto my arm honestly its getting annoying. We make our way to the other building and take a seat at the table i was in between Nava and Skyler Maisy sitting next to Nava. We wait for the priest take his seat. "I see you have already met the girls." He says before the servant comes with our food. We had a Sunday dinner type thing and i started to dig into my chicken when i felt i hand start to rub my hand i look to my left to see Skyler smiling at me i just glare at her taking her hand off of me. I don't think so.


After dinner we were assigned our jobs for tomorrow i had to tend the flowers in the afternoon with Nava. Dishes in the morning with Skyler (what fun) and then wash the clothes and hang them out to dry with Maisy after doing the dishes with Skyler. It was probably 8pm and we were sent to bed. Seriously? I don't think I'm going to live if this is how early we have to go to sleep. We go back to the church and say good night to each other before heading off into our own rooms. I hope i get to decorate my room at some point. I get my pjs and settle down slowly falling to sleep.


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