Chapter 9 look what we found

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So today me and Nava decided to go to the park. Its only the second time i have actually left this hell hole. We took a taxi to a nearby town that had a lovely park the leaves falling off the trees as the wind ran its fingers through the trees leaves. It was yet another nice day the sun was shinning on the little lake in middle of the park making it look like glitter had been scattered onto the water with the ducks paddling along basking in the warmth. I take in the fresh air smiling as to myself as i took Navas hand into my continuing down the path when we come across an ice cream truck. I then see Nava turn and smile one of her wide smiles. "Can we go get ice creammmm?" She says dragging the m at the end to which i laugh. "Of course anything you want peach." We both go over to the ice cream van and my princess gets 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream with extra sprinkles and strawberry syrup and i had 2 scoops of mint choc. I think it had only been 5 minutes and Nava was now looking down onto the floor in shock as she had dropped her ice cream. Oh god how did i nit know this was going to happen. And just as she was about to start complaining a skinny looking puppy came out of a bush by the path. It so so slim you could see its rib cage and the fur was all messed up and dirty. Nava suddenly bent down the puppy cowering scared. It must have been abused or something. "Hey pup its okay i wont hurt you baby." Nava slowly reach her hand out letting the pup sniff her and he licked her finger. Taking as a sign of consent she started to pet his head. "Oh blakely we cant leave him like this." I crouch down to and petted the dog but i think he like Nava more and i don't blame him i can see why. "Who said we were. We will take him the vets now get him a dog bed and some other stuff he will need." She turns to me and gives me the biggest hug the puppy now wagging it s tail and barking excitedly. Poor thing don't worry we will take care of you.


We were now at the local vets and the girl was looking him over before turning to us with a serious face. "So iv put some flea treatment on him which you should re do every 3 to 2 weeks there is nothing else really up with him just give him wet dog food mixed with some dog biscuits and give him extra love you will be fine. Oh i also checked for a tag in him and it looks like he belongs to no one so he's all yours."
"Ok thank you Sarah we will bring him back in a couple of months"
We then make our way to pets at home and got him a dog bed and 2 metal bowls a red collar and leash to go with it.
When we arrived home we went straight up to my room and put the dog in the baths turning on the shower and washing him off his fur ending up a deep brown shiny colour matching his blue eyes. Giggles filled the room when he got out he shook his body getting water ever where. We put the collar on him and prepared his food. We could only give him small bits through the day so his tummy wouldn't get bloated. Oh and we also decided to call him buddy.


"Please please please let us keep him farther." We were now standing in front of the priest buddy running around us in circles whilst wagging his tail and yapping. We were basically begging him to let us keep buddy. "We are the only ones that know how to take care of him!" He stared us down not showing any expression on his face probably thinking and i thought he is gonna force us to give him away to someone. But a smile soon appears on his face "of course you can keep him just make sure you take care of him properly because if you don't we will have to get rid of him no excuses." Smiles spread across the both of our faces and we go down to Miasy and Skyler causing them to immediately smother buddy with cuddles. "Hes so freaking cute and precious!" They both squeal hurting the dogs ears  he cowers coming back to me and Nava making us laugh. "God you pair you need to calm down your scaring him." I say whilst Nava pets him telling him he is a good boy in a sweet whisper.
It was now 3pm and we were taking buddy for a walk in the massive church garden when a thought came to my head. "Oh! I still haven't given you my number have i?" We both get our phones out swapping numbers and finish off our evening walk with buddy.


I put my pyjamas on and tied my hair back into a messy bun and i was just about to slip into bed when i head a knock on my door. Who on earth is knocking on my door at this time? Its probably Nava... i say with a gentle smile on my lips. I open the door and there she was but a wave of panic suddenly washed over me when i saw her crying her eyes out buddy came running in and curled up on the bed. "Nava whats wrong?" She doesn't say anything and just hugs me tightly crying even more. "Hey peach whats up come on tell me." I say rubbing her back to calm her down. She doesn't say anything for a few minutes calming herself down. "I heard f-father on the phone and apparently your parents are coming to get you t-tomorrow..."


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