Chapter 5 smells like trouble

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This time i had set my alarm clock so thats what i ended up getting up to this morning. I turn it off quickly stretching out as i yawn looking down at me Nava was still asleep. I get up carefully so i don't wake her up and grab a shower changing into some clothes. The priest told us yesterday that all we had to do today was go shopping and then we can have the rest of the day off. I go the the dresser and brush through my hair and see Nava beginning to stir from all the noise i was at least trying not to make. "Oh good morning i thought i would be the first up again." She says with her adorable morning voice. "I beat you to it! Go get a shower you can wear some of my clothes if you want." She nods standing up and walking into the bathroom. I get out my red hell bunny dress and some black fish nets. Personally i think she would look very nice in it. Once Nava was out of the bathroom she looks at the outfit i put together in shock. "I cant where this father will go mad?" She says feeling the silky material beneath her finger and thumb.
"Who cares if he will go mad personally i think you would look very hot in it..." i say slowly walking up behind her and resting my head on her shoulder. I see her blush creeping up her neck. "Oh shush you..." she says slapping me playfully as she finally gives up and puts on the clothes i gave her. We then both make our way to go get breakfast i do us both a bowl of coco pops. After we drink the milk at the bottom of the bowl we make our way to the front of the church where a
Taxi was waiting for us. We both hop in and Nava tells the driver the directions to Morrisons.


After 20 minute drive and awkward silence we finally arrived at the shop. We pay the driver before getting out. I get the shopping list out reading out what we needed to get. "Milk, cereal, tomatoes, beef, lamb, washing up liquid, toilet roll..." i say finally looking up at Nava "i guess you know where your going?" She giggles nodding her head and getting a shopping trolly. I went to the kitchen isle with all the kitchen supplies in when i bumped into my ex. "Oh hey what are you doing here?" I say surprised
"Oh hi I'm going to visit my grandma but you left this at mine i went to your parents house but they said you were sent away." She says shoving a bag of weed into my hand. "Oh thanks i was wondering where that went." I said chuckling whilst rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly. We both said good bye to each other and i got the washing up liquid and went to go find Nava when i cam across the isle with all the hair dyes. Jackpot! I walk down the isle picking out some colours green, yellow, pink and electric blue. I knew bringing my money was i good idea i also grabbed some hair bleach and went to the freezers where i found Nava getting a bottle of milk. I put the fairy liquid into the trolly and all the hair dyes Nava watches me before lifting a brow at me. "Hair dye isn't on the shopping list." I just give her a cheeky grin
"Don't worry i will lay for them" she playfully rolls her eyes at me with a smile before we continue to shop starting a conversation about the best combinations of food on a sandwich.


We finally got back to the church and i snuck the hair dye and hair bleach up into my room before going back down stairs to assist Nava with the shopping after we put all the shopping away i tell her to come to my room. "Whyyy what do you want?" Nava whines i chuckle at her childish behaviour.
"Shush and you will fine out." We reach our room and i sit her on my bed and give her all the colours. "Pick 2." I say
"Hmmmm pink and green why?" I smirk opening the box of bleach i had on top of the draws and put the transparent gloves on taking the the colours that she had chose at of her hand. "Becaussssseee we are going to dye your hair." I say putting some bleach into an empty cup that used to contain water. "Nnnooo father will definitely go mad at me if i even change just the tips of my hair he says its slutty to dye your hair." I sigh.
"Well im gonna ask you something ok?" She nods her head "would you like to dye your hair?" She nods her head vigorously "yes but father will go mad." I smile at her she is such a little worry wort
"Welll then lets dye you hair and worry about him later kay?" Nava finally agrees and i bleach the ends of her brown hair and dye them going in a pattern of green and pink i tell her to look in the mirror a shocked expression reveals itself when she sees her hair "whoah that looks so cool!" She says with a big cute grin on her face I'm glad she likes it. After i bleach the ends of my hair and dye them electric blue and neon yellow my black hair making it stand out even more. It was probably lunch time and we were called down and the look of horror on the priests face was comical but i could see Nava becoming scared so i rapped my arm around her waist comforting her.
I just glare at him as he continues to shout at us scaring Nava even more.
"you know it is against the rules to dye your hair at all so why did you do it!?" He yells at Nava and i push her behind me and staring straight into the priests soul.
"Because she wanted you 60 yr old perv she should be able to do what she wants with her body and her hair its hers not yours it shouldn't even be any of your concern on what she does you controlling twat."
He didn't say anything back to be honest i don't think he could. Nobody has probably ever spoke to him like that. Nava was now hugging me tightly Maisy was sat in shock watching it all unfold and Skyler seemed to be drooling more than usual.
"You pair shall prepare the church every day for the rest of the week as punishment." He said in almost a whisper and with that nothing else was said


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