Chapter 8 we arent all perfect families

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It is Friday today and we have finished all of our chores and we were all in the living room well apart from Skyler i don't know where she is to be honest and its not like i care. But i soon got bored of sitting down so i told Maisy and Nava I'm going to take a walk in the garden and get some fresh air. I was walking around where the roses were and it reminded me on my first full day and how much trouble me and Nava got into trouble because of how dirty were after having a mud fight. I cant believe i finally got the girl of my dreams. Its funny isn't it because my parents sent me here so the priest could cure me and make me straight again but i only ended up dating another girl. A girl way better than my ex. But to be honest i think I'm way happier here then what i was when i was living with my mum and dad. They pull me down tell me I'm going to go to hell. Saying i have a disease. Its wrong. God will never forgive you. And i dint care anymore if anybody is going to hell its them pair. Or maybe at the end of the day everyone might go to hell we all have secrets. Dirty little secrets... And thats the problem my parents think you can go through life without doing a single thing wrong or a 'sin' as they like to call it. But what they don't know is that i know what they are doing to each other. They don't think i haven't heard them arguing and especially what they are doing to each other. They are both cheating on each other. And when they around each other or in public they act as if we are the perfect couple on earth. The perfect family. But to be honest we are not.... I sigh being pulled out of my thoughts when i hear crying. My brows furrow and i follow the noise to a bush and there she is. Skyler curled up crying. "Hey are you ok." I say sitting down next to her putting an arm around her i know its a stupid question because there is something obviously wrong with the girl. "Its n-nothing..." she says trying to stop crying which only made her cry more and hiccup.
"No come on tell me i pinky promise i wont tell anyone." Skyler finally looks up her face red and tears still streaming down her face. What am i going to do.


"Father came and told me. I wont be going at the end of the month...." i look at her confused
"Why?" I rub her back trying to calm her down.
"M-my parents don't want me back..." tears then escape her eyes. She takes a breath before then decides to tell me her story. "Basically when i was little i was taken off of my parents and i was adopted by these strangers. I didn't realise they would abuse me. They told me if i told anyone that they wouldn't believe because little kids are filled with lies. And no one would ever love me. So when i got older they sent me here and i have probably been here for 3years and i was meant to go back next month. I don't know why i wanted to go back to be honest but its probably because they made me fell as if they were the only ones that could put up with me." After Skyler finished explaining i was hugging her tightly telling her its going to be ok and it would be better if she stayed here anyway she will be safe. "Listen no family is perfect some are just worse than others we are your family now screw them" i feel her tighten her grip on me as she slowly falls asleep so i carry her to her room putting her in bed.


Im now back in the living room Nava snuggling up to me when she asks me where Skyler is she hadn't seen her all day. "I found her crying don't worry she is sleeping in her bed now."
"Is it about her parents?" Nava says looking up at me.
"Yes but don't worry your pretty head kay peach?" She nods before burying her head into my tummy. Ahh she is such a little cutie pie. But soon it was tea time and it was my and Navas turn to cook and we were going to do a curry. I woke her up by planting loads of kisses on her face and gently waking her up. She yawned cutely. "Peach its time to do the cooking." She jumped up in excitement racing to the kitchen making me chuckle at her behaviour she is so childish. I get the chopping board out and give her some peppers and onions to chop up. "Be careful with the knife." I say passing it her. I then turn the stoke on and put a pan on putting some seeds into it and when the smell of them filled the room i put them in a bowl. "Nava come and crush these for me." She comes over obediently and gets the stone and started to crush the seeds until they were powder. I got the chopped onions she managed to chop WITHOUT cutting her self and putting them into a pan. We started to make the sauce and added that and then the chicken we just have to let it cook now!


Me and Nava dish out the food and Maisy goes to wake up Skyler. I put a fork full of curry into my mouth all the spices and flavour bursted at once busying my taste buds. I hear Everyone else let out a satisfied moan the priest asking where i learnt to make curry to which i just tap my nose at him. "My own little secret I'm not yet ready to tell anyone." I say making everyone laugh. Well... this is nice....


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