Chapter 4 playul fights and sleepless nights

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It has been half an hour and me and Nava were now planting some seeds, that will some day turn into trees. Clouds had slowly started to dot themselves around the sky making sure everyone could still see the pretty blue. I was crouched planting a seed my and Navas backs facing one and other when a playful smirk appeared on my face. I grab a handful of mud and turned towards the girl. "Hey Nava!" I say and she turns around and as soon as she does a chuck the handful of mud at her making it go all over dress and some managed to get on her cheek i start to go into a fit of giggles as she gasps a cheeky smile suddenly displaying itself as she bends down getting some mud and throwing it in my hair. I didn't see it coming and look up at her. "Game on then princess." I say quickly getting some mud that made the blush disappear from her face only to get more chucked at me. We were then hiding behind bushes trying to get each other when i suddenly run at her bush she was hiding behind surprising her and smooshing the mud all over her she was trying to stop laughing and jumps on me attacking me making me fall onto the fall her on top of me both of our laughs fill the air as we continue to through mud at each other. She continues to laugh as she looks at me pinning my arms onto the floor  putting her fore head on my laughing. She calms down staring into my eyes but then i take her by surprise flipping us over. "Moo ha ha ha!" I do an evil laugh but she manages to wriggle out from underneath me running off and i chase after her doing an Indian scream with some mud in my hand i which i held above my head. "Ah ah ah ah ah" i lob the mud ball it hitting her back and she turns around throwing some at me but then we were called in for tea.... we both walk to the building that had the kitchen in covered in mud and laughing at ourselves. "Oh my god father is going to go mad!" Nava says and i look at her with a fake shocked expression as i do a dramatic gasp pointing at her. "What?" She asks me. "What? What? How dare you use gods name in vein!?" I say it going silent until we both burst out laughing.


We open the door to the building and walk in only getting the reactions we thought we were gonna get Maisy rushes over to us and Skyler just glaring at Nava and me. "What the flip guys!? What have you been doing!?"  We both look at each other "ummmm?"  We say at the same time making the sound more of a question before bursting out laughing for what must have been the 100th time today. The priest or father walks into the building and look of horror on his face because of the state of us was hilarious. "And what has happened to you pair!?" He says shouting at us and honestly im trying to  hold back my laughter. "Did you even get any work done in the garden!? Hmmm?" We just continues to shout at us then tells us to sit down to eat. Today we had chicken noodle soup. It was actually very nice i hadn't had it in ages. Then me and Nava were sent bed early because of the little work we did and the mess we made of each other. We go back into the the church and back up the stairs which led to our rooms. And said good night to one another before entering our rooms.


I shut the door and slide down it sighing me not knowing Nava was thinking the exact same thing as me I'm in love.
I take my muddy clothes off putting them in the dirty washing pile i created in the corner of my room. I hop into the shower letting the hot water run down my body and relax me. Once I'm  finished i brush my teeth for bed time and get into my giraffe onesie. Getting into bed i get my phone out putting Netflix on and continue watching orange is the new black. It had been about an hour i heard a quiet little knock on my door i look on my phone and its 11 o'clock i frown nobody should be out now. I get up and go to my bedroom door opening it up to be met with a crying Nava i usher her in before anyone saw us. I sit on my bed and sit Nava on my lap. "Hey princess whats up?" I say hugging her rubbing her back. "I-i had a bad dream..." she says her voice muffled because she is burying her face in my chest.
"Ssh ssh ssh... its ok its not real you wanna talk about it hmm?" She nods pulling at her sleeves of her pyjama top.
"Well i had a dream that t-these m-monsters were after me so i ran to your room but you were dead and the g-guy that stabbed my parents was standing by your body with a bloody knife...." she says as i see more tears make there own way down her cheek that i wipe away. "Do you wanna sleep with me tonight? Will that make you feel better?" Nava shyly nods and i make her stand up so i can get in bed and get under the covers lifting them up and patting the spot in front of me that she goes to so now I'm spooning her. Me being the big one and her the little one. "Do you wanna watch orange is the new black with me?" I say stroking her hair.
"Whats that?" She says in a quiet voice and i tell her its a series and she agrees to watch it with me both of us laughing our heads off when one of the prisoners said 'and i was sitting there with bbq sauce on my titties' and after that episode both of us deciding to go to sleep me cuddling Nava. "Thank you for making me feel safe." She whisper to me before turning into my touch and cuddling me back. I smile o myself before going to sleep myself.


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