Chapter 7 pink bubble baths

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I was in the other building now eating my breakfast this morning i couldn't really be bothered to have a shower this morning so i brushed my teeth and hair throwing on what ever i saw first in my draws. I shoved another spoon of corn flakes into my mouth Skyler and Maisy were watching the tv when Nava finally walks in getting some honey on toast and sitting next to me. "Hey. How did you sleep doll?" I say finishing off my breakfast.
"It was good what about you?" I could tell she scooted really close to me closer than normal creating a more bubbly atmosphere around her more than usual and that when i think to last night but then the priest walks in. "Today you wont  have to do anything you are free to Wonder around." He also got some breakfast   And grabbed the news paper taking a seat at the table as he read the latest headlines. I wait for Nava to be done like she asked and then we both went to put our dishes in the bowl. "So what have you got planned today peach?" I ask to which she blushes at the nickname.
"Well we have some spare paint from when we were painting our rooms so we could decorate yours?" She asks finally looking at you. My eyes widen in excitement my face pulling the same facial expressions of a child been given sweets. Nodding my head enthusiastically. We both make our way to the shed and on the back wall was a shelf with loads of different colours on it she turns to me with a smile. "So which colours would you like?" I tell her i would like red and black and she stretches her arms up to get the paints but was to short to reach which made me start to chuckle. She turns around sharply hearing the noise coming out of my mouth her face as red as pepper from embarrassment. "You cant reach can you? Let me get them shorty." I say going over and reaching out grabbing both of the paints i wanted she hits my back playfully. "Oi that is rude!" She says trying to scold me but she just looked to cute i pass her some brushes i found behind the paint smirking and we made our way to my room.


We opened the door to my bedroom and Nava got out some old sheets that were in a cupboard. She layered them on the floor and on my bed and draws so we don't make a massive mess. "So what colour do you want to start with first?" She asks and i think for awhile "black is probably going to be the best since most of the walls are going to be black." She nods and tries to open the paint lid but she wasn't strong enough so i roll my eyes in amusement. "You cant do anything with out me can you peach." I walk over to where she was and open the paint lid for her she pouts passing me a paint brush and we start. "I wanted to do it though..." i look at her giving her a little smile i walk over to where she was painting and hug her. "Don't worry peach i would willingly help you with the stupidest things... Even if its wiping your bottom when your old..." i say with a serious face but she couldn't help but laugh and soon enough i was curled over to laughing at the image in my head of me wiping her bottom (though it is rather disgusting as well). I return to the wall i was painting dipping my brush in the black paint before carefully covering the white wall with it. As we paint my room we had the most random conversations like why people mistake anime for cartoons to our favourite animal (we both ended up bickering over which is better cats or dogs I'm a dog person by the way). Then after we finished all my walls were black and an idea came to my head. "Why don't we splatter red paint on the wall the my bed is by?" She agrees to it so we got to big brushes and absolutely coat them in red paint before making a throwing motion with our arm without actually letting go of the brush. After we finished we looked at our work. It was amazing!


Nava has went back to her room now so i think its the perfect time to start my plan i run a bath putting a pink bath bomb in to turn the water pink i also add bubbles and some rose petals. I then put my robe on and i hear a knock on my door Nava has come back good timing to be honest...



I open the door to be met with Nava who looks at me shocked at what I'm wearing "o-oh I'm sorry were you about to get in the bath?" I just smirk at her telling her not to panic and i pulled her into my room locking the door before she could escape. "Strip for me baby girl..." i whisper into her sending a pleasurable shiver down her spine i see her take a nervous gulp as she looked into my lust filled eyes. And not long after she does what she is told when her pants land on the floor i take my robe off exposing myself and i pick her up so she has to wrap her legs around my waist and carry her to the bath. I lay her down amongst the bubbles and get in myself i hover over her my hands on end of the bath above the head. And i take one last look at her before crashing my lips onto her and she immediately kisses me back which told me she wanted this to. I deepen the kiss cupping her neck with one of my hands. Nava moans into my mouth which gives me the chance to slip my tongue into her mouth. I start to kiss her neck before gently sucking on it eventually leaving hickeys. And i let my hand rub her thigh making my way up until I'm nearly touching her wet heat. She lets out a desperate whine as i take one of her nipples into my mouth gently biting onto it. And soon enough she is pulling at my hair wanting more. "Please..." she whispers.
"Please what baby girl." I say finally looking up at her and see the beautiful state she is in, a light blush sprinkled on her cheeks. Her eyes filled with want. And the marks i had left on her. "More...." she didn't have to say anything else for me to understand what she wanted. I slip my finger inside of her curling my finger before adding another one. And soon enough she was cumming... Her moans were like a melody to my ears. "My turn now baby girl..." i say as she comes down from her high.



Me and Nava were now both laying in my bed watching end of the fucking world on my phone when i look at her. "Hey peach?" I say grabbing her attention. "Will you be my girlfriend?" It didn't even take a second for her to process anything before she was jumping on me saying yes over and over whilst grinning make me chuckle. She stops looking at me. "What?" She asks.
"Nothing peach your just the cutest thing ever." I say giving her a quick kiss on the lips.


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