Chapter 6 a little bit more than friends

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My and Nava were both ringing the bells to signal it was now 9 o' clock and people started to arrive to church it was our last day of punishment. We then go over to where all the books are with the songs in and give them to the people that were walking in. "At least its our last day ey." I say nudging her as she wore a bit of a sad expression. She looks up at me giving me a gentle smile. "Yeah...."
"Whats up you seem a bit sad?" I say passing a book to the last person before we go to stand at the back incase the priest needed us. "Its nothing i was just thinking.... about how this has been like my first real punishment." I chuckle at her reply. "Oh stop i know what your thinking!" She says in a whisper yell voice so no one heard us. I get closer to her my face inches away from her own. "Why? What do you think I'm thinking huh?" I say in a low hushed tone my breath hitting her face making her face turn a peachy pink colour from the lack of personal space but i quickly pull away. "You think I'm a goody two shoes..." she says now looking down her hands twiddling with her thumbs. I have realised it is a habit she has when she gets embarrassed or nervous i chuckle but before i could say anything else we were called up to go give the priest a candle. The priest gives us the fakest smile i have ever seen i know he hates me but do you think i care i wont be here for long anyway so... Nava passes him a candle and i give him the matches to light it he puts it in the golden holder striking the match before lighting the candle with it. I don't even know what he was doing to be honest he said it was something about the gift god gave us was light. Whatever that means. He gives me the matches and we walk back to the back of the church and i put them back into the draw. Nava took her place next to me and i took in her appearance she is so pretty. Its likes she is an angel the most roundest eyes that are like an open book. Her gorgeous long hair that a kind of ruined with hair dye but it does suit her. After i zone out for the rest of the morning not really paying attention to what the old twat had to say about something i don't even believe in.


It is probably 5 in the afternoon and we are all in Skylers room in a circle and guess what we were playing. If you guessed truth or dare then you were right. It was now Skylers turn to choose someone and why am i not surprised that when her eyes landed on me she gave me a devilish smirk. "Blakely truth or dare?" She says licking her bottom lip and biting it leaning forward a bit i tilt my head pretending to think putting my finger on my chin i felt daring i knew what she was gonna say but truths are no fun. "Dare." I say looking her straight in the eyes. She thought she had me hooked but you wouldn't believe how wrong she was. "I dare you to make out with someone for a minute." I raise a brow.
"Of my choice?" I say thinking I'm either gonna have to try not and puke if i have to kiss Skyler.
"Of your choice." She tells me probably thinking i was going to say her.
"Ok then." I turn to my right. "You ok with me doing this Nava?" She shyly nods a blush dusting her cheeks i see Skyler burn wholes into my back with her eyes geez can she lay off a little. "I will set the timer!" Maisy says with a massive grin on her face. "Go!" She says pressing started and thats when i gently press my lips on to Navas and oh my god it felt like heaven they felt like fluffy marshmallows. And first she didn't kiss back but after a second she returned and thats when i deepened it running my fingers through her soft hair lightly pulling on it. Our lips sync together and i slowly slip my tongue into her mouth making sure she was okay with it. Just as it was about to get heated the timer goes off. "Times up!" Skyler says with a hint of anger in her voice. I keep my lips on Navas for just a second longer before pulling away and smirking at her. Her face was as bright as a tomato.


It was now time for tea and we were called down to go to the other building and eat so we all made our way down Maisy and Skyler in front leading and me and Nava hung back making our way slowly. Her face was still a bit red and she hd not said much since the kiss. I found it kind of cute she is so precious and must be protected at once. We started to walk through the garden and finally got to the other building and entered it going to sit down to eat. Tonight we had spag bol Skyler still wore an angry expression and was giving me a glare that said I'm going to kill you. But anyway me and Nava finished first and we were both very tired so we put our plates in the bowl and made our way to our rooms it was a comfortable silence as we walked back through the garden gazing up at the stars until Nava speaks up. "I enjoyed that kiss..." she says very quietly and i look at her in a bit of shock but it was soon turned into a bit of a smirk. "Oh really do you want another one?" And she doesn't even get to reply before I'm once again kissing her for the second time this day. And when i pull away i say. "I like you very much and i hope you consider my feelings towards you." I say losing myself in her beautiful eyes. "Well i wont have to consider it because i feel the same way..."


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