Chapter 10 we came back

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I woke up to the sounds of birds tweeting singing there morning song and Nava starting to fidget in my arms. "Good morning peach you ok?" She shakes her head and snuggles into me more.
"No... i don't want you to leave me." It breaks my heart and i hug her even tighter than i was at the thought of having to leave her hear. "You can always text me you know..." i say trying to cheer her up a bit.
"But what if you find someone better than me... what if i end up being not good enough for you because you cant make any actual contact with me." I hold her face in my hands and stare into her beautiful eyes.
"Now listen carefully peach no one. Not a single soul. Could ever replace you. Even i don't deserve you but I'm lucky i got you and i think i would never want to be with anyone but you." A little smile decorates her lips and she kisses my cheek. "Pinky promise?" I took her pinky into mine.
"Pinky." We then both decided to get up and grab a shower after she went back to her room and we met at then end pf the hall way after we had finished. But what we weren't expecting was my parents to be already waiting in the church. I had already packed the night i found out i was going home. Nava clinged onto me and i kissed her head. "Its ok baby i will be back." My parents were staring daggers of disgust at me.
"Go get your bag." My mother snapped and i just did as i was told. Nava only hoped what i told her was true. And i always make sure i keep my promise and what i told her was a promise i will be back...


It was an awkward silence in the car and i couldn't care less my time there wasn't over they had only left me there for a couple of weeks. Can they make my mind up do they want me or do they not. "Miss me much?" I say sarcasm and hate dripping from my voice. "I see that priest hasn't been able to do much we changed our mind anyway we are sending you somewhere else..." i roll my eyes. You would have thought they would had given up now but nope.
"Oh please i doubt anyone or anything will change me." I lean back in my seat and huff.
"Thats why we are sending you boot camp." What!? Are they being serious if they think I'm going there. I don't think they have ever been so wrong in there entire life. Well... apart from having me. I feel my phone ping and see that Nava has text me.

Nava: so do you know why you are going

Me: nope apparently they are sending me to boot camp in a couple of days or something


Me: dont worry if they think they are sending me there they are so wrong

"Who are you texting?" My mum says bluntly and i just smirk at her
"My side bitches." I say and her face goes bright red out of anger it looked like something out of a cartoon.
"WHAT!?" She says now fully turning around.
"I said I'm texting my side bitches they were just telling me how good i was at eating them all out last night. I was quite hungry you know." She was about to smack me across the face when dad told her to stop. "Hun she is only trying to annoy us." And i just carried on because i knew they were biting there tongue in annoyance.
"They were so fucking hot when they were squirming under neath me and begging for more there moans sounded fucking amazing."


We were finally back 'home' and i went straight up to my room not looking around to also notice all the cardboard boxes around me and the lack of furniture. I jump onto my bed and sign well... i don't think i missed this place one bit. I thought the church was a dump and I'm only just realising how much it wasn't i felt like i was someone there like i was worth something there...
I decide to go back down stairs to grab something to eat and that when i realise all our stuff has been packed away.
"Uuuhhh why is everything in boxes?" Now i know this sounds like a dumb question. I mean it is kinda obvious that we are obviously moving house or getting rid of half the stuff we own. "We are moving soon after you get back from boot camp we would have moved into our new house in the country we thought it would be best because no one.... can.... influence you yes." I grab an apple out of the nearly empty fruit bowl. So they are telling me they think i was 'influenced' to be a lesbian. Wow... they really stooped that low huh... It doesn't bother me i will runaway if i have to. I go back upstairs and start to pack some of my stuff up giving me something to do. I remember when they used to say they would support me through anything.


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