Chapter 12 this is my real family (final chapter)

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We both walk down the stairs and out to the main bit of the church to see my parents.
"Dave. Karen." I say not calling them mum or dad because i don't really feel like they are my parents and they looked very shocked i didn't call them by there name. "I am not. I repeat i am not. Going back with you guys you know you both make me feel unwelcome and I'm not going to call you my mum or dad because you aren't. You set a shit example and expect me to act like someone i am not and i have had enough I'm staying here with my girlfriend and the rest because they are my real family." For once i actually saw my parents look sad but no. They are toxic and if they don't except me for who i am and I'm not going to put up with them.
"No. You are coming with us you are our daughter." They say getting closer to me but i take a couple of steps back not taking it at all and start to yell.
"NO! I am NOT you fucking daughter!!! I DESPISE you! You DON'T except me for who i am and if you cant do that much I'm staying RIGHT WHERE THE FUCK I AM AND I WILL HAVE A GIRLFRIEND AND TREAT HER LIKE A FUCKING QUEEN NOT A PRINCESS!!!!" and then i kiss my Nava right in front of everyone deep and full of love and i could see they gagged. "See u cant stand me so fuck off." They knew they weren't going to budge me so they finally decided to leave me.


8 months later~

This is the last you will hear from me guys. After that night my parents had to except the fact that i wasn't coming back and brought all my stuff over to the church. And the priest is actually a pretty cool guy ya know before we go to bed he will tell us stories about what he did before he actually became a priest i didn't know he had smoked dope! Im very happy now and i help out with Sunday's when everyone comes in for church. Skyler finally laid off of me and Maisy and her are now dating. I know right crazy in it. Me and Nava now share a bedroom which i think is amazing and buddy is doing pretty well. "Babe come on we are going out now!" Nava calls for me.
"Im coming peach!"


The end~

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