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Dear Yoongi,

I couldn't find a pen in the hospital, which is crazy by the way because with the amount of clip boards they have you would think they have at least ONE pen. I did however find a green sharpie. So now I'm here writing to you, telling you that I can't stay here. I have to leave New York immediately. And no it's not business related but I'm leaving for you. I'm leaving so you can grow. I'm leaving so that I won't have to burden you. I don't want to be the one holding you back from having a brighter future than me. I would always think that I would be the one to be a part of your future. That we'll sit down in our beach house drinking our troubles away until we pass out on each other's arms, make love under the stars and repeatedly tell you how much I love you. I still do, very fucking much and I hope that Taehyung makes you more happy than I ever could. I hope that he gives you what I never could have. I know he'll treat you right. He always has but I never will. Not until I change myself and learn to live with the things I've done in my life. From hurting you and dragging your family into a mess. I want to try and cope with losses in my life and try to accomplish things. I've secretly developed a love for dancing and as much as I hate admitting it but you were right. I'm a dancer not a killer (or rapper) but I'm someone with a talent. And I promise you I'll put that talent to use. Shit the kid next to me wants the sharpie. He reminds me of you. Stubborn but too kind for your own good. This letter is far from a farewell. I'll see you in your happiest moment Min Yoongi.

From your past,

P.S- My leather jacket is in the drawer with all your colored clothes. Can't miss it :) <3

A Year Later


"I'm going as hard as I fucking can!"

"How weak are you!? Were you not fed in your entire lifetime?"

You huff and wipe the sweat off your forehead as you tighten your grip on Yoongi's pants. You pull and lift as he jumps trying to fit in the pants. "Ok hold on a fucking minute." You let go of the waistband and check the size of the pants. "This isn't your size Yoongi!" He turns around and his brow furrow.

"Bitch what!? So that means—"

There's a knock at the door and you quickly lift up your dress and scurry on over without tripping. You slightly crack the door open and peek through to see Taehyung dressed with a wide grin on his face and Yoongi's pants in his hand.

"Forget something?" He grins. You smile and grab it from him. Jungkook suddenly walks in behind him with Amira crying at his side. You can obviously see the discomfort in both their faces. With his tux and the adorable floral dress you put on her you can't help but smile.

"My beautiful and amazing queen," He walks up next to Taehyung with his dark hair sticking to his forehead as he sweats. "Please take your lovely baby girl before she cries my ears off. I've fed her, burped her and even inflicted pain on myself to make her stop crying." He gently pats her back as she starts to hiccup and cry harder while Taehyung tries to hide his laughter.

"Did you try singing to her like you usually do? You forgot to do it last night and now she's punishing you." You shake your head as you see the shocked expression on his face.

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