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Chloe POV:
Kelsey and I walk into school and I see who I've been wanting to see all of Christmas break
Kelsey: Chloe.....Chloe.......CHLOE
Chloe: Sorry what
Kelsey: I was asking if you wanted to go meet up with Kaleigh
Chloe: Oh yeah sorry
Kelsey: You were looking at Sam weren't you?
Chloe: Yeah......
Kelsey: Come on
Chloe: Okay

We find Kaleigh and talk for a little while when the bell rings

She was wearing this:

Kaleigh: Alright I'll see you two later *she walks to the second hallway while Kelsey and I walk to the first*Kelsey: So you ready? Chloe: Yeah

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Kaleigh: Alright I'll see you two later *she walks to the second hallway while Kelsey and I walk to the first*
Kelsey: So you ready?
Chloe: Yeah. I'm nervous though
Kelsey: Don't be. Just talk to him like you normally would. You two seemed close before break
Chloe: Yeah I guess you're right
Kelsey: Well what are you waiting for? Go on
Chloe: Alright

I walk into the classroom and take my seat next to Sam. He walks in shortly after.

Sam: What's up Chlo
Chloe: Nothing much what about you
Sam: Nothing just sitting here not wanting school to be back
Chloe: Same. It was just Christmas break though
Sam: Yeah you're right
Chloe: So what've you been up to
Sam: My mom made me go with my brother to the golf course and help him clean up
Chloe: That doesn't sound like fun
Sam: It wasn't but it's whatever
Chloe: I guess. Hey Sam?
Sam: hmm?
Chloe: Do you like anyone?
Sam: Yes. She has beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair.
Chloe: Really? *looks over at Mattie who is sitting a table over*
Sam: Not Maddie silly
Chloe: Then who?
Sam: [you]
Chloe: What did you say?
Sam: Nothing

We were interrupted by the teacher. The rest of the day went by really slowly but we finally got to meet up outside.

Kelsey: So how'd it go?
Kaleigh: How'd what go
Kelsey: You'll see
Chloe: Well I talked to him until the teacher walked in. I asked him if he liked anyone and he described her.
Kelsey: Well...
Chloe: He said she had beautiful blue eyes and gorgeous blonde hair
Kelsey and Kaleigh look at each other smiling
Chloe: What?
Kelsey: Oh Chloe you're so oblivious sometimes. He's obviously talking about you
Chloe: Sure whatever you say
Seth pulls up and gets Chloe's attention
Chloe: Well I've got to go
K+K: Bye

I hopped into Seth's truck and as I thought would happened he began talking.

Seth: So how did your day go
Chloe: Good. Are you hungry?
Seth: Yes actually.

We drive to Chick-fil-a and grab something to eat

Seth: So Justin is coming over today and I need you to leave us alone
Chloe: Why so you can play Fortnite?
Seth: yes
Chloe: *rolls her eyes* well I'm going to Faith's anyway
Seth: What time?
Chloe: 5:00
Seth: Alright we've got plenty of time. Justin's already at the house, in an hour I'll drive you to Faith's
Chloe: Thanks Seth
Seth: No problem Chloe

We arrive at home and like Seth said Justin was already there. Seth pulls in the driveway and you see Justin's truck sitting there.

One hour later:
Chloe POV:
Seth drives me to Faith's and Kelsey and Kaleigh are already there.
Faith: Hey Chloe
Chloe: Hey Faith
Faith: You all dressed up so cute for school today.
C,K+K: Thanks

Faith was wearing this:

Faith was wearing this:

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Chloe: You do too. What are you dressed up for anyway?
Faith: Well I had an orientation for a homeschool class and I had to go to the school to get the assignments
Chloe: Oh Okay
Faith: So I heard that you had a great day today
Chloe: Seriously Kels why'd you tell her?
Kelsey: Cause it would've taken you forever to tell her
Kaleigh: She's right you know
Chloe: Yeah yeah... don't start this Kaleigh

I told Faith the story from today and she gave me the same look Kelsey and Kaleigh gave me and told me I should tell him Monday

Chloe: Faith it's going to be a whole weekend before I see him again
Faith: Perfect so you have time to prepare

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