The Game

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Texts: Seth🤟🏻:
Hey Seth. Don't worry about picking me up from school. I'm going with Sam to watch Will's game
I'm coming too. I'll see you there. You and Sam are sitting with me
Seriously Seth? Come on
Don't even fight me sis
I'll punch you.
I'd win that war either way
You're right

I look over at Sam.
Chloe: Alright I told him but he said we have to sit with him
Sam: I'm fine with that
Chloe: Alright
Sam: There's my dad. Come on

We drive to the game and I see Seth at the gate. We get into the game and Seth walks over to us.

Seth: Hey Chloe, Sam
Sam: Hello Seth
Chloe: Do we have to sit with you?
Seth: Yes we're an hour away from home. You're staying with me and I'm driving you home
Chloe: Fine
Sam: Alright. Seth how have you been?
Seth: Great. I'm just taking care of my sister and looking after her *he looks at me*
Sam: *laughs* I see. She's sweet though.
Seth: When she's not being a bitch? Yep
Chloe: Hey!
Seth: You know I love you
Chloe: Yeah yeah
Seth: *laughs* well let's go sit down. Chlo you want anything to eat?
Chloe: Yes. You should know what to get
Seth: I know. I'll be right back

Seth walks away and Sam and I sit down.

Sam: He's protective
Chloe: No kidding
Sam: Hey at least he's looking after his little sister. Proves he loves you
Chloe: Yeah I guess

Seth walks back over and hands me my food and starts talking to Sam. I zone out and watch the game.

1 hour later:
The games over. Seth and I say goodbye to Sam and we head home

Seth: I see the way he looks at you
Chloe: What?
Seth: Sam. He cares about you
Chloe: I guess
Seth: You like him don't you?
Chloe: I do. I just don't know if-
Seth: He likes you
Chloe: How do you know that?
Seth: Like I said. I can tell with the way he looks at you. He pays close attention every time you talk and is always smiling around you.
Chloe: You really think so?
Seth: I know so. Just talk to him tomorrow. You don't have to say you like him, just talk to him and casually give him hints. Maybe he'll make a move
Chloe: Thanks Seth. I needed that
Seth: No problem sis

I text Kelsey Kaleigh and Faith and tell them about the game and what Seth said.

Texts: Girls💙
Hey girls
Hey. How'd the game go?
Awesome. Honestly I don't think Sam even watched the game
I'm telling you. He 👏🏻 likes 👏🏻 you 👏🏻
Wait back up. What happened
Chloe went on a date with Sam
It wasn't a date. Seth was there
😂😂 overprotective brother strikes again
What did you think?
It was fun. Seth says that Sam likes me. He says he can tell by the way he "looks at me"
Oh please Chloe. It's obvious he likes you
Okay I get it. No need to gang up on me
Well we'll stop ganging up on you when you admit that he likes you

I laugh at my phone and then I receive a text from Sam

Texts: Sam💕
Hey Clover I was wondering if I could talk to you. Can you meet me at the park?
Hey Sam. Sure I'll meet you there in 10

I walk downstairs and tell Seth I'm going to the park. He lets me leave and I start walking over to the park

At the park:
I arrive at the park and I sit on the bench.

Sam: Hey there Clover
Chloe: Hey Sam
Sam: So I've been thinking about this for a while and I was wondering if...... you would be my girlfriend
Chloe: Of course Sam!
Sam: Great! *he pulls me closer to him and slowly lifts my chin up* you have no idea how long I've waited to do this

Third Person POV:
With that Sam kissed Chloe and they couldn't be happier. 2 Month passed and it was Chloe's birthday.

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