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Cameron POV:
We arrive at the hospital and go to Chloe's room. I look down at her with tears filling in my eyes again. I look over at Seth and he nods. They all walk out leaving me with Chloe. I grab a chair and sit beside her bed. I grab her hand and kiss it gently. I look back up at her and see that she's breathing. She's okay! I run out of the room and get everybody's attention.

Cam: Guys she's breathing!
Seth: Really!?
Cam: Yes! Come on!

We run into the room and see Chloe looking around the room. She looks confused. I look down at her arms. She still hasn't noticed us but drifts back off. I walk up to her and grab her hand and look at her arm. I trace over the scratches and scrapes that have dried blood on it.

Cam: Hey Kaleigh, can you bring me a warm washcloth?
Kaleigh: Yes

She walks to get one and hands it to me. I carefully wipe the blood of her arm and continue holding her hand. I sit back into the chair and look at Seth, Kaleigh and Kelsey.

Kelsey: She's strong Cameron
Cam: I know *I look back at her* I'm just worried. She looked confused, almost scared.
Kaleigh: I noticed that too

There's a knock on the door. Seth opens the fort and we see Sam standing there.

Sam: Hey sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to see if she was okay.
Seth: Okay go ahead. We'll be back in a minute
Kaleigh: How does he know about this?
Cam: I'm not sure. But the scratches on her arms, what do you think happened to her?
Kelsey: Cameron. Sam is in Chloe's hospital room right now and you're worried about scratches on her arms!?
Cam: Yeah you're right
We walk back into the room to see Sam sitting in the chair I was just in. He looks up at us.
Sam: Thanks for letting me see her.
Seth: No problem?
He leaves and we just look around. I look under Chloe's pillow and notice a small note sticking out

I don't know if you will read this but just know that I'm happy for you. I'll always be there for you, whether it's as you friend or your boyfriend. Just know I'll always love you Chloe
- Sam

I read the note aloud. Everyone looked shocked. I put the note down and went back to my chair and held Chloe's hand looking into her eyes. They were closed but I hoped and prayed for them to open and just look at me.

Seth: What are you going to do about Sam Cameron?
Cam: Don't know. She loved him
Kaleigh: Exactly loved, but she loves you
Cam: I know but, I saw his face the day he left. He looked devastated.
Seth: Cameron. Believe me when I tell you this. The way she ran into your arms the second you walked through that door. She missed you but she refused to show it.
Cam: Why?
Seth: She didn't think you still cared for her. You texted her but she was afraid that she would hurt you. Besides she loved Sam at the time but she's with you now and you should know she loves you.
Cam: I know it's just... never-mind
Seth: No tell us
Cam: I just hope she still loves me after this
Seth: Of course she will
Cam: I let her get kidnapped Seth. Sam would never do that.
Kaleigh: Cameron that attack was unexpected, none of us would have been able save her.
Cam: I guess you're right
Kaleigh: I know I'm right
Kelsey: Kaleigh not now
Kaleigh: Sorry

I laughed and looked back to Chloe. She was still asleep. The scratches on her arms making me more worried. I see the white sheets under her back turn red. I lift her shoulder up slightly.

Cam: Oh my God
Seth: What's wrong?
Cam: Her back. She's bleeding and there are thorns all over her.
Kaleigh: Well that house was in the woods. She could've ran through a thorn bush.
Kelsey: Ok what is up with you
Kaleigh: What do you mean?
Seth: You've been like a detective lately
Kaleigh: Maybe I'm smarter than you think
Kelsey: I guess
Cam: GUYS she's bleeding
Kaleigh: oh right
She goes to get a nurse. They get the bleeding stopped but have us step out for a bit so they can get all of the thorns out of her. I sit down beside the door and place my head in my hands. I feel someone grab my shoulder.
Seth: She'll be okay Cam
Cam: I know. It just hurts me seeing her like this.
Seth: I know but we'll have her back soon.
The nurse comes out and tells us that visiting hours are over. We head back to the Protection building and notice something in the road.
Brody: What's that?
Kaleigh: Looks like, a kitten
Cam: Do they allow kittens in the building?
Kelsey: Yes but only if they stay inside.
Cam: That's not a problem
Seth: Let's take a closer look.
We walk up closer to the kitten. It looked like this:

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