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Cam walks out into the living room. There's a lot of yelling and suddenly there's a loud bang.

Chloe: Seth!? Cam!?
I run out to see them both over by the bookshelf I turn to go check on them suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my head and it goes black. I can still hear but I can't see anything nor can I move.

Kaleigh: What's going on?
Kelsey: Oh my god Chloe!
Kaleigh: Guys get up!
Seth: I'm trying Kaleigh
Kelsey: Guys stop getting distracted where's Chloe?
Cameron: What do you mean where's Chl- Where's Chloe!?
Kaleigh: She just disappeared. Wait who was at the door?
Seth: It was Lex and Emily
Cameron: He's right
Kelsey: Ok what happened to you guys
Seth: Lex pushed us up against this sharp part of the bookshelf
Kaleigh: And it did that?
Cameron: Yes. But that's besides the point. We need to find Chloe. *he struggles to stand*
Kelsey: Well where should we start?
Seth: They couldn't have gotten far. Especially with all of the security. I'm surprised they even made their way in.
Kaleigh: We should ask the resource officer how they got in and where they could be
Cameron: I don't know about you guys but I'm already on it
Officer: The only way they could've gotten in would've been from the back. We have guards back there but Lex and Emily being the psychos they are could easily make it past that way. Then all they would have to do would be get into the panel room to see what room you guys are in and then they would just have to navigate their way to your room.
Kaleigh: Okay so we just go out the way they came and we should find them
Officer: Yes
Cameron: I don't know what you guys are waiting for. Let's go find my girl
Seth: My sister
Ka+Ke: My best friend
Cameron: Ok now that we've established what she is to each of us, let's go

Kaleigh POV:
We walk out of the building the way that Lex and Emily could've gone and we notice Lex standing outside.

Lex: Well would you look who it is
Cameron: Lex where is she?
Lex: *laughs* don't even think about trying to find her. You won't
Cameron: Wanna bet *he moves toward Lex threatening him*
Seth: *pulls him back* ok calm down. *whispers* We'll find her
Lex: So you really want to find her?
Kelsey: Uh yeah
Lex: You can look. I'd be careful where you step though
Cameron: What do you mea-
Lex trips Cam as he walks closer to him
Cameron: Mean
Seth: Alright *he picks up Cam* just get out of our way
Lex: Why should I?
Seth: You do not want to mess with me Lex
Lex: Aww what's wrong? Threatening me even though I've already hurt you once
Seth: That was unexpected it wasn't fair
Kaleigh: GUYS you can deal with this later we need to find Chloe
Lex: Yeah not so fast
Seth: Alright. Girls get behind us
Kaleigh: Seth last time we stayed behind you Chloe got kidnapped
Seth: So what's your plan to get rid of him?
Kelsey walks up to Lex
Kelsey: Hey Lex. If you let us go we'll let you take one of us out to eat
Lex: Really?!
Kelsey: *trips him* of course not
Kaleigh: Let's go!

We start running around the block when we see a Emily walking out of a store

Kaleigh: Guys this way
Seth: Kaleigh see if you can call Brody, he may be able to help us
Kaleigh: Ok
Cameron: I'll call Nick, Seth can you call Brodie
Seth: Yeah
We all made our phone calls while Kelsey was in the look out
Kaleigh: Ok Brody's in his way
Cameron: So is Nick
Seth: Brodie's busy but we can manage with the others alone
Brody: Hey guys what's going on?
Nick: Yeah what do you guys need?
Cameron: Quick version? Chloe's been kidnapped
N+B: What!?
Nick: How?
Seth: Lex and Emily managed to break in through the back and they took her
Brody: Do you have a way of knowing where she could be?
Kelsey: We saw Emily leave that store we've been keeping an eye on her and she's just been staying in the building over there
Brody: Doesn't look abandoned but it's pretty well hidden
Kaleigh: Guys we gotta go
Seth: Why's tha- oh
Kaleigh: Well looks like we have no where else to go
Kelsey: Let's see if she's in there

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