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Chloe POV:
As I turn around to check on Cam and Seth I feel someone grab my arm. Next thing I know I'm pulled out of the room and I'm being carried through the hallways and out of the protection program. We go downtown and I see a house in the distance. Next thing I know I black out with a sharp pain in my head.

1 hour later:
I wake up in a white padded room. I look around to find no doors. I look down to notice that my hands are tied together. I hear the wall start to open.

Emily: About time you woke up
Chloe: Emily?
Emily: Duh. What are you blind
Chloe: No but you might be if you don't tell me where I am
Emily: How cute. You think you could actually do something like that? I clearly beat you at this game. You're in my hands now and sooner or later your friends will give up on trying to find you.
Chloe: They'd never do that. I know that they won't rest until they find me, they're my best friends
Emily: True but you really think that I'll let them find you? Hun you don't even know where you are.
Chloe: They'll find me and you know they will.
Emily: Or will they?
Chloe: Emily....? What did you do?
Emily: That's for me to know and for you to not find out
She leaves and locks the door back

I hear no response. I don't know what I'm supposed to do I can't hear anything through these walls let alone no where I am. All I can remember is being brought here and then blacking out. I'm not sure what I can do. It's impossible to hear anyone outside these walls so even if my friends could find me I wouldn't know and I wouldn't be able to lead them to me. How long has Emily been planning this?

 How long has Emily been planning this?

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Liked by: 347 people
em.emily: Cat's in the bag 😈
ss.seth: Where is she?
kelseygrace: Give us our friend back
itskaleigh: What have you done with her?
iitscam: You'll regret this Emily
imsam: Hold up what's going on
faithmarie: ^^^
itskaleigh: @faithmarie @imsam she took Chloe
lx.lex: it was way too easy 😈
user: What's going on
californiacallie: Are you serious Emily? Let her go

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