Are You Scared? (12th Chapter)

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…In Harry’s Room…


Harmony's POV:


Once I enter, my eyes widen at his bare figure on the bed; partially bare since his briefs are still on. I tug down the PJ’s tank top, since it reveals a little of my belly. “(I speak with flushed cheeks, staring downwards) It’s one size smaller.” I hear Harry’s chuckle, and when I look at him; he pats the empty space on his enormous bed. “I could sleep downstairs. It’s much comfier.”

His laugh increases at my awkward shyness, while he stands up beside me.“The bed could fit us both. I won’t let you sleep on the couch downstairs, and I don’t want to sleep on it either. So, what do you say?” His cunning smirk is painted over his lips, making my face turn into the darkest shade of blushy red. I nod slightly as we both slip under the duvet. 

“Are you scared?” He asks, amused with my uncontrollable awkwardness. “Who could blame me, after what happened earlier in the ally…” I regret my words immediately after spilling them, because Harry’s beautiful smile gets eliminated. “(He mumbles) I was drunk, I’m sorry.” An unknown fire, ignites an angry feeling in me. “(I snap) That’s no excuse! You abused me for god’s sake!”

He nods, staring at the plain wall like it’s the most interesting thing in this posh bedroom.“Well, since you don’t want to reply; I better sleep.” He doesn’t speak, while I turn off the lamp on my side. I deepen my face in the pillow, sniffing Harry’s amazing scent in complete silence. A minute later, I feel his body relaxing on the bed beside me; keeping his distance from me.

“Harry?” He replies immediately: “Hmm?” I then whisper my curiosity: “Why do you like making me feel stressed and mad? Why do you keep following me and forcing me on yourself? Stop trying to force yourself on me. I'm sure you could land a better person with a click of your fingers... You’re wasting your time on one girl, when you could have an endless group.”

I feel him shift his sleep, turning slowly to face me. Even though I can’t see his features through the dark, his eyes are like glowing neon lights. “(He whispers) Maybe I don’t want a group; maybe I just want you.” I don’t reply, closing my eyes to give him the impression that I’m asleep.

“(He chuckles softly, making my heart pound faster) You’re so interesting you know that? (He waits for my reply, then coos softly) Harmony? Are you still awake?” I don’t reply, and for that I feel something tender being squeezed on my forehead. Once he kisses my forehead, his thumb brushes my lips in gentle traces.

“Who are you?” He whispers, and I fight the urge to smile at his unexpected moves. This side of Harry is shocking, since I never imagined he might have a kind side. He is stubborn, angry, wild and repulsive. But now, its like he’s a different person. A person that could fit my dream man’s description perfectly. A person that I could accept, and hope he would accept me back.

I feel his thumb leaving my lips, wrapping his uninjured arm over my waist; carefully not to make me wake up. Little that he knew that I was awake indeed, and still; I don’t want to push his hand away. I like it placed over my waist, grasping me like feathers of a satin hold. I only pray that when I wakeup, this Harry won’t disappear. To be honest, I am so confused with my feelings towards him, but I like where we are right now. I won’t deny that he is brave, but now I could sense his humanity, his care, and his sensitivity…

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