I'm Sorry. (13th Chapter)

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...The Next Morning…


Harmony's POV:

I wakeup feeling warm, as if the bed has a built-in heater. The warmth, however, isn’t irritating in any sort of matter. On the contrary, it’s the kind of warmth that a human body needs; full of care and purity. I blink my eyes open, and I amaze myself from the source. My body is completely twisted with Harry; his arms are draped all over me, while min are buried in his waistline.

If my mind was awake, I wouldn’t witness myself in such position; but I suppose I needed him at night. Maybe it’s the fear of last night’s events? Or maybe my intuition needs this closeness to him; just like he does to me. I slide my head up from his bare chest, as I begin to move out of our position.

I sense his arms holding me closer to his body, even though his eyes are closed. “(He speaks in a deep voice, still half asleep) Don’t go…” I find it hard to blush, but since he isn’t looking; I act upon my true feeling. “(I whisper, letting out a spontaneous yawn) It’s morning, Harry. I need to go back home, that’s what you told me last night.”

His eyelashes flicker, popping out those green pearls; he looks so dreamy at the moment. He mumbles something into the pillow, keeping his arms around my body. “What?” He moves his head up slowly, giving me a morning grin that could melt the stony ice. “I want you to stay.”

“(I speak in sarcasm) You were kicking me out last night, remember?” His positive expressions washes out of his face, turning him into the person I never favoured of being around. “You’re right. I’ll go see who’s awake to drop you.” His sleepiness washes out of his system, as his body jolts up from the bed in instant movement.

“Get dressed.” He orders, closing the door behind him. I don’t want to ask myself any more questions about his twisted behaviour, but I know that there is something wrong going on. I mentioned to him what he said yesterday, so what could have made him shift his character? Could it be about the same issue of me being safe?

If that’s the case, then he doesn’t need to freak out. The robber won’t be back obviously, and he doesn’t even know the both of us. I guess Harry is the kind of person that freaks out on thin air; I should probably let this go. Dreams never come true do they?

Asking for the adorable Harry from last night to stay is practically impossible; silly me. I fold the Pjs neatly, now that I have changed to my work attire again. The door opens all of a sudden, viewing the famous smirk that I now got used to.
 “I’m sorry, I entered all of a sudden; I should have known you’re changing.” I nod normally, since I’m already changed; but I appreciate this pinch of consideration that he’s showing.

“Is Louis going to drive me back?" I ask hopefully, since I’ve became closer to him; more than the rest. Harry crosses his arms, giving the door a back kick to shut it behind him. His breathing looks like steam, the heat on his face is not due to any positive affect, and his beautiful eyes are now changed to a darker shade. “(He spits harshly) Louis? Oh so now you’re into him? Why did you sleep with me then? Huh?”

I roll my eyes, clearly not wanting to argue about this non-existing bond between Louis and myself. “First of all, what you said is out of this world. Second of all I didn’t sleep with you; I slept BESIDE you. don’t mix up the scenario, Harry. (I form a sheepish smile on my lips) You aren’t jealous of Louis now, are you?”

He scoffs, walking closer to me, reaching a limitless distance. “(He lowers his face, leaning down to my ear) Why would I be jealous? And shall I remind you how you were all over me this morning?” I push his chest away from me, moving out of the room.

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