I'm In. (46th Chapter)

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Harry’s POV:

“I want to do it. Now more than ever. Come on lads, we deserve to be living our lives without hiding behind Jack's shadow. Wouldn’t you all like to settle down for another job; a job where what we would be doing, wouldn’t risk your lives? (I turn to look at Louis) Lou, have you ever thought what will happen when you get married to El? (I turn my face to Zayn) What about you, mate? I know you have three sisters to help with their education, and I’m sure they won’t be happy when they know where their tuition fees are coming from. (I glance at Niall lastly) Niall, think with me about this. I know how much you desire to settle down in Ireland. (I remind him) Do you remember when you told me that this would be your only wish; to settle down and live in peace?” 

My three mates dive into their minds, while I huff my breath from my long-encouraging speech. “Let’s imagine that I agree. How on earth do we break free from Jack’s empire? This isn’t going to be easy, Harry.” Zayn replies, and I take that as a positive sign of him being with me on this. “Listen to me all of you. We all have enough knowledge to tear his empire down. All we need to do is gather sensible evidence, and turn them in to the authorities. I know we are capable of doing that, but I need you all with me.”

Niall instantly replies: “But, mate. Don’t you think we would be arrested as well? We do work with him, and it makes us a part of this illegal corporate.” I shake my head, denying that chance. “If we go and collaborate with the police, we would be safe. (I suggest) We’d tell them the truth.”

Louis questions: “What truth?” I reply with a smile: “The truth that we don’t want to be working with something that disobeys the law, the fact that we hate to jeopardise the security of the country. (The all mumble under their breath, as I proceed) If we do this, together, I promise you that we will be free.” They give themselves a minute to think, causing the room to silence.

“(He smirks) What made you decide on this, now? I never heard you complaining before.”Harmony is in my life, that’s the true answer. She made me realise that I need to offer her a better-securable lifestyle. She deserves it for being with me; for loving me. “(I deviate the true reason) Let’s just say that I want to settle down.” Zayn nudges Louis’s knee with his, causing a chuckle to appear from both of them.

I could sense that they know the real reason, but I don’t care because it’s the truth. Even if I can’t spill it out directly, I am relieved that my friends understood. “So? What do you say?” I ask, causing the seriousness to reappear in my tone. “I’m in.” I nod happily to Niall’s decision, while I shift my eyes between Zayn and Louis.

“It’s going to be risky, but I owe it for my sisters to live their lives without worry.” After Zayn’s words of agreement, Louis follows: “I really want to grant Eleanor a clean future, so I guess I’m in too. But what about Liam?” I clap my hands once, showing my optimism of our unity. “We’ll tell him as soon as he ge-…” Its like god was listening to my predictable words, when the main door opens; revealing Liam and Harmony. 

I stand up to rush towards her, missing her touch like it has been ages. Since she came to live with us, I found it hard to not be with her every second granted. This is the second time she leaves the house, and I guess I need to start getting used to it. But its hard, since the flames inside me could never turn off for her love, her touch, and her care. 

“(I hug her tightly, placing my chin over her shoulder) How was the market, babe? Did you get what you need?”
 She sighs, and I could tell her arms aren’t hugging me with the anticipation I expected. “(Her voice sounds utterly worried, even scared) I need to talk to you…”

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